A Few Things

A Few Things

ben December 15, 2017 0

A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? Are you looking forward to the weekend? We have some fun stuff on our schedule. Olive is in a play at her high school tonight, we have two holiday parties to attend, and Oscar has a band concert too. Other fun stuff: Maude’s last final of the semester is tonight, and then she gets a full month home. We’re excited to have her back.

One more fun thing: We’re taking a little holiday trip up the coast to Mendocino! And very much looking forward to it. The town has a holiday train, a holiday light show, and we’ve scheduled a family brunch too. I’ll be sure to report.

How about you? What’s on your schedule this weekend? Do you have one more week of school before the holiday break? (We do too!) Will you be traveling for the holidays? Do you have the tree up yet? Are you in the middle of Hannakuah? I’d love to hear how your December is going. And I also have a few things I’ve wanted to share:

– “I’ve never once heard a man explain away a burglary by questioning why a homeowner bothered taking such good care of his house if not to entice others to break in.”

– This is what happened when 14 wolves were released into Yellowstone park. (I may have share this before, but I just happened upon it again this week and really love it.)

– This Ode to the Women on Long Island got me teary. What would you write to the women you grew up with?

– I think I’m ready to try natural deodorant again. A writer at Goop highly recommended Schmidt’s. Have any of you tried it?

– More thoughts on the idea of a universal basic income, using Dolly Parton’s work as a model.

A chapter of Harry Potter written by bots.

– My friend Lindsey, who is an amazing designer, has a small online pop-up called Commissary going on through the weekend, featuring a small selection of beautiful items. I ordered the mix-and-match planner.

– A reminder on how to put together a good cheeseboard.

– This cute little robot roams the beach scribbling poems into the sand.

– Another robot story. Not as cute. Robots are being used to deter homeless people from setting up camp in San Francisco. (Is this actually helpful? Does it move us closer to providing affordable housing?)

– My Generation Thought Women Were Empowered. Did We Deceive Ourselves? (NYT)

I hope you have a marvelous weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


P.S. — If you have any late-nights ahead (maybe wrapping gifts, or welcoming guests), don’t forget the Dessert for Two.

The post A Few Things appeared first on Design Mom.

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