Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

ben December 19, 2017 0

This is a recipe that my best friend Nicole shared with me several years ago and I’ve since made it every single year for the holidays. The combination of flavors in these treats are deadly! The smooth texture of the chocolate against the chewiness of the goji berries married with the crunch of the almonds and spike of sea salt is an EXPLOSION in your mouth.

If you’re not big on baking, no worries… You can throw this treat together in a matter of minutes without turning on an oven and you only need 4 ingredients! 

Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Start by pouring 2 bags (20 ounces) of organic chocolate chips in a large glass mixing bowl. Make sure your chocolate is organic because it’s made with one of the most heavily sprayed crops, and non-organic chocolate can be laden with synthetic chemicals. 

Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Now you’ll want to melt your chocolate. To do that, simply fill a small pot (a bit smaller than your bowl) about 1/4 of the way full with water and heat it up to a simmer. Place your glass bowl full of chocolate chips onto the top of the pot… this creates “double boiler”. You can add about 1 teaspoon of butter (optional) to make it easier to melt and lessen your chances of over-cooking it.

Slowly stir occasionally until the chocolate is creamy and completely melted… mmmmmm…. and try not to be tempted into licking the spoon…. but I’m sometimes guilty! 

Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Carefully remove the glass bowl from the pot and turn off your stove. Stir in about 4 to 6 ounces of goji berries. If you’ve never eaten goji berries before, they are chewy, sweet, and PACKED with healthy antioxidants. They are one of my favorite snacks. 


Now, roughly chop about 8 ounces of almonds in half.. you don’t need to be perfect… and throw those in the bowl too. Sprinkle in 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and give it all a good stir…

Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Spread a sheet of unbleached wax paper on a cookie sheet. Using an ice cream scoop (or spoon) drop about 1 tablespoon of the mixture onto the sheet. You can add a few goji berries and almonds to the top of each one to make it look more festive like I did here…

Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Sprinkle a touch of sea salt on each drop and put the sheet pan in the fridge. Allow them to set up in the fridge for at least an hour. Keep them stored in the fridge, because they melt (and disappear in your mouth) quickly! 

Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Food Babe’s Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops


Happy Holiday Chocolate Goji Sea Salt Drops

Total time


  • 2 bags or 20 ounces of organic chocolate chips
  • 4-6 ounces of goji berries
  • 8 ounces of almonds chopped in half
  • ¼ tsp sea salt + additional for sprinkling
  1. Fill a small pot with ¼ water and heat to simmer.
  2. Place large bowl on top of pot (creating a double boiler).
  3. Fill bowl with chocolate chips and slowly melt.
  4. Once all chocolate is melted, stir in sea salt, goji berries and almonds.
  5. Use a 1 tablespoon sized ice cream scooper or spoon to drop mixture onto wax or parchment paper.
  6. Top each drop with a small sprinkle of sea salt (and a few almonds and goji berries if you like).
  7. Refrigerate to allow chocolate drops to cool.

**Please choose all organic ingredients if possible**



Know anyone who loves chocolate? Share this recipe with them and give them a plate of these delicious goodies… they are too good not to share! 



P.S. Throw out your Crisco and Clabber Girl Baking Powder. Get my new 12 Healthy Holiday Baking Swaps list here! 

P.P.S. Looking for more holiday treats to share? Check out this compilation of holiday goodie recipes

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