Jamie Lee Curtis Thinks Expensive Skincare Is a Scam To Make Money

Jamie Lee Curtis Thinks Expensive Skincare Is a Scam To Make Money

ben September 16, 2018 0

I think a lot of us admire Jamie Lee Curtis because she eschewed fillers and cosmetic surgery and has shown us what it looks like to simply grow old gracefully – even if she refuses to look in a mirror and acknowledge it. Well, that’s why I admire her, at least.

Of course, Jamie, 59, does have a beauty regimen, but she doesn’t have a vanity lined with expensive potions and lotions that purport to make her look ageless. Jamie recently shared her beauty secrets with the Today Show and, surprisingly, you too can live like a Neiman Marcus-shopping movie star on a CVS budget.

Jamie credits her radiant skin to two very affordable products you may actually already use. She told Today, in a revelation she promised is “going to shake you to your core”, Sea Breeze and Nivea are her secret beauty weapons, as well as water and sleep, of course. She said she’s been using the astringent her “whole life” and uses Nivea to moisturize and hydrate her skin.

As for those high end skin products, Jamie said she’s “fallen prey” to their sales pitches and admitted, “I spent $800 on a big jar of a cream. It didn’t do anything! It doesn’t do anything! The truth of the matter is, it doesn’t do anything for you. It’s a scam to make money.” As an Oil of Olay gal, Jamie’s statements bring me so much joy and comfort.

Even if the new Halloween turns out to be a dud, which I can’t imagine given the reviews, it has given us more time with Jamie Lee, who, to me, is beautiful inside and out.

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Jamie Lee Curtis Thinks Expensive Skincare Is a Scam To Make Money

Jamie Lee Curtis Thinks Expensive Skincare Is a Scam To Make Money

Photos: Getty, WENN

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