5 Foods You Should Exclude From Your Breakfast

5 Foods You Should Exclude From Your Breakfast

ben November 3, 2019 0

The right breakfast sets the tone for your day. It should be not only nutritious and balanced, but also tasty. It’s fundamentally wrong to skip the first meal, even if you decide that it will help you say goodbye to extra pounds. It’s better not to do it! If you want to feel full of strength and energy throughout the day, then the best solution is to prepare a hearty, and most importantly healthy breakfast. After all, your mood for the next day may also depend on this.

Today we will tell you about 5 products that your breakfast should NOT consist of.

And if suddenly you are used to starting your day with these products, then below are the reasons why you should stop doing it immediately. And that’s why!


5 Foods You Should Exclude From Your Breakfast
Photo: depositphotos.com

Citrus fruits, whether lemons, oranges or grapefruits, are an allergen. Yes, you may not have noticed an allergic reaction to these fruits, but they significantly affect the human immune system. And these fruits also contain acids that can irritate the walls of an empty stomach, causing unpleasant sensations in it.

And while citrus fruits have a very low calorie content, which means that they will not saturate you and will not give enough energy. Of course, the lazy ones do not know about the benefits of water with lemon on an empty stomach. It is not necessary to completely exclude citrus fruits from your morning meal. It will be enough to simply reduce their consumption to a minimum.


Unlike citrus fruits, this vegetable contains a lot of calories. If you “fill” them with your empty stomach in the morning, then you run the risk of feeling an unpleasant heaviness, which can lead to indigestion. And from this pain, tingling and breakdown for the whole day. As a result of frequent consumption of potatoes in the morning – overweight. Are you sure you need it?


5 Foods You Should Exclude From Your Breakfast
Photo: depositphotos.com

Many replace their breakfast with yogurt and think that it benefits the body. We hasten to disappoint you! If you decide to drink yogurt instead of a full breakfast, then you do not get any benefit for the body from this product. Yogurt does not contain enough calories, which will ensure saturation of the body before lunch. In addition, all those bacteria beneficial to our stomach that are contained in yogurt will begin to exert their effect only in company with other food products that enter the stomach. Otherwise, the gastric juice will simply digest them quickly, and they will not have the positive effect that you expected from them.

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Bread (bakery products made from wheat flour)

Bread and pastries hit on the sides, causing our weight to grow by leaps and bounds. Speaking of them. Yeast that is added to baking causes excessive gas formation and discomfort in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, end the habit of eating a bread sandwich in the morning. Or replace it with whole grain bread or bread.


5 Foods You Should Exclude From Your Breakfast
Photo: depositphotos.com

Of course, a person going to work in an office is unlikely to eat garlic in the morning. But there are those who do not give up the thrill in the morning))) Moreover, if there was a day off, and you do not need to go out to people. But even in this case, do not eat garlic in the morning. This vegetable is capable of causing intestinal colic and cramping, and from this there is no mood and productivity at zero.

Eat right and remember that breakfast should be healthy!

READ ALSO Bright-Pink Beet Hummus Recipe in 5 Minutes! Try it!
