Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

ben November 19, 2019 0

What woman doesn’t dream of waking up in the morning in order to immediately look fresh and well-groomed? It turns out that there is a way, and not one!  We will share with you life hacks that work for your benefit while you sleep.

10 beauty tips before bedtime

Following them while looking at night, you will appreciate the result by looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning.

1.Use face serum

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties
Photo: Pinterest

This skincare product is usually applied to cleansed skin before using a moisturizer. Serum often contains powerful ingredients that are many times superior to regular cream. Some of them are “not friends” with the sun, which is why they are best applied at night. You can choose a face serum based on the problems and needs of the skin: from wrinkles, dryness, dark spots, etc. This is an excellent anti-aging agent containing retinol. Want to wake up in the morning with moisturized, uniform skin? Prefer serum with vitamin C.

2. Apply a hair mask

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties
Photo: Twitter

Masks work well on dry damaged hair, nourishing them with useful substances and protecting against external factors. They may contain a variety of ingredients, but coconut oil has proven itself most vividly. It favorably affects not only curls, but also on the scalp. Put a mask with coconut oil on your hair before you go to bed, wrap your head with cling film and put on a shower cap. Rinse and enjoy moisturized, shiny hair in the morning.

3. Make a hand mask

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

It is necessary to deal with dry skin not only on the face, but also on the hands, because they are the first to give out female age. You can pamper them at night with special moisturizing gloves that fight cuticles and dead cells. Put them on before going to bed and do not remove until the morning, providing hands with long-term care. Thanks to this procedure, the skin will become noticeably healthier and visually younger. And you forget about the problem of cracked, dry hands.

4. Do not forget about the legs!

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

Often we lose sight of the legs, but in vain! They need to be looked after the same way as the rest of the body. Use special masks for feet, allowing them to work all night long. They are cleansing, moisturizing and exfoliating. Put lotion or mask on your feet, put on tight socks and go to bed. In the morning, soft and smooth skin will be waiting for you.

5. Use baby powder

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties
Photo: Pinterest

Ask why do you need it? This tool works well for sheets. Spread a small amount of powder on the bed to not only protect the skin from diaper rash, but also moisturize it well during the night. In addition, in the morning it will smell good, and the body will fully rest.

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6. Apply a face mask

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

The classic way to wake up on a beautiful morning is to use a moisturizing and nourishing face mask. You can choose a product that is affordable and needs your skin. Masks are well established, which include olive oil, turmeric and green tea. In addition, if you do not want to use purchased products, you can cook them at home. In general, choose to your taste, apply to the skin and sleep with the mask until the morning.

7. Use dry shampoo.

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

If you understand that in the morning you will have no time to wash your hair, use dry shampoo before you go to bed. Spread it over your hair and leave it until morning. Over night, the shampoo absorbs excess fat and acts better than if you do this when you wake up. Choose a quality product with a slight smell and your hair will look fresh and attractive.

8. Apply Acne Cream

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

If your skin is prone to rashes and inflammation, stock up on acne cream. It is better to apply on his face at night, so that he can work thoroughly and have a prolonged effect. In the fight against acne, any drying lotions, tea tree oil and benzoyl peroxide have also shown themselves to be good. Using these products is also better at bedtime.

9. Moisturize your lips

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

Perhaps you are used to applying lip balm throughout the day so that they do not weave. But the best time to use it is still evening. Nourish your lips with an ultra moisturizing balm before you go to bed to prolong its effect. In the morning you will get soft, delicate lips, which will also smell good.

10. Buy silk pillowcases

Beauty Tips Before Bedtime To Wake Up In the Morning As Beauties

It has long been proven that silk pillowcases prevent premature aging of the face and maintain its beauty. In the morning there will be no marks from the pillow on it, which means that the risk of new wrinkles will be reduced. In addition, silk bedding is also good for your hair. With it, they remain soft and break less.

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