Do you ever go through phases with your home where you are feeling restless to do something new, or you know you want to make a few changes or adjustments, but you aren’t *quite* sure what you want to do next?
If you’re in limbo about where you’re headed next, finding the right look for the home you’re in can go a long way toward feeling not only inspired for your next project, but in making future decisions easier, too.
That’s one of the reasons I named my blog and business The Inspired Room twelve years ago. It’s not just because I like to look at inspiration photos!
I don’t like to do a project just to do one, I want to be inspired to do it because it really speaks to me. So rather than busy myself with a random project, I’d rather wait until the right idea comes along. For that reason, I also turn down a lot of sponsored work or partnership opportunities because the project doesn’t inspire me or it doesn’t feel authentic in some way.
I want to feel connected to my home. Doing a project that doesn’t come from the heart or doesn’t form a deeper connection to where I live never feels right to me.
You know what I mean?
When I find an inspiration photo that speaks to me, it can spark the next creative step. Inspiration photos can also help me refine my vision for my home so I’m ready when the next creative mood strikes.
I love so many styles, but I do think that a coastal / beach house style suits this house and that definitely inspires me!
(This post is not sponsored by Serena & Lily, but I always love their fresh coastal style! Enjoy the inspiration!)

READ MORE Most Underrated Beach Destinations

(This post is not sponsored by Serena & Lily, but I always love their fresh coastal style! Enjoy the inspiration! All sources can be found here).
For those asking about the first photo sources, here are the specifics:
Similar Wallpaper / Dresser / Mirror
ALSO READ Festive Hair Styles: Beautiful Beach Waves and Ponytails.
First appeared on theinspiredroom.net