Corey Feldman Has Been Accused Of Sexual Battery

Corey Feldman Has Been Accused Of Sexual Battery

ben January 10, 2018 0

January 10, 2018 / Posted by: Allison
Corey Feldman Has Been Accused Of Sexual Battery

Corey Feldman has made it his mission to expose the awful creeps slithering around Hollywood. In a very unfortunate turn of events, a woman has recently accused Corey of being a creep. TMZ says that a woman appeared in a Los Angeles police station on Monday and filed a report claiming that Corey Feldman had allegedly grabbed her butt last year. TMZ points out that this accusation most definitely falls within the statute of limitations, so there could be trouble for Corey. No other details are known, like when or where exactly it happened.

Corey’s rep tells TMZ that Corey “vehemently denies these egregious claims.

While launching his TRUTH campaign back in October (a campaign which is now closed after raising a little over $273,000) Corey Feldman claimed he had almost gotten hit by a truck while walking in Los Angeles. He believed it was a suspicious circumstance, possibly to silence him for all the talking he was doing. So Corey could argue that this is all part of a plot by the underground pedo lair of Hollywood to discredit him.

I’m sure Corey is pissed off at the timing. He recently got the LAPD on his side. So things might be pretty kind of awkward the next time calls the LAPD asking if they’ve got any new information. Instead of answering right away, they’re first going to have to ask him, “Are you talking about the report you filed with the pedos, or the one that was filed against you for being an ass-grabber?


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