Coronavirus and Corona Beer – how people bind them!

Coronavirus and Corona Beer – how people bind them!

ben February 3, 2020 0

Coronavirus and Corona Beer – how people bind them! According to the Google Trends, millions of people associate the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV with the beer brand Corona.

It would seem quite understandable that apart from semantic properties, these two concepts have nothing in common. But it turns out that not everyone understands this. This is evidenced by the statistics of search queries on Google.

Coronavirus and Corona Beer – how people bind them!


In particular, the first queries linking coronavirus and Corona beer appeared in mid-January. They looked like this: “corona beer virus” (“crown beer virus”). If until January 18 such requests were single, then after this date the number of such requests began to increase sharply.

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Most of them are in Cambodia, Singapore and Malaysia. This relationship is also popular in New Zealand, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Norway, Austria and Denmark.

Of course, users do not find evidence of this relationship other than semantic. So, “Corona” in translation from English means “crown”, it is the emblem of beer. And the coronavirus got its name due to the appearance of the virus, from which the spine-shaped processes resembling the crown depart from the outer shell.

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Be healthy!
