“Now burst!”: Celebrities Who Made a Mistake With the Size Of the Dress

“Now burst!”: Celebrities Who Made a Mistake With the Size Of the Dress

ben February 3, 2019 0

For an ideal image, it is important not only to choose the dress, but also to choose its size correctly! Our today’s heroines miscalculated with the second obviously.

Celebrities in tight dresses

Many celebrities want their forms to look the most spectacular among colleagues. However, sometimes the pursuit of perfection turns into a fashionable embarrassment …

Irina Shayk

Some time ago, on the Web, they discussed the fashionable failure of Irina Shayk, who, in the race for ideal parameters, chose a small dress size … By the way, this is not the first time that a supermodel outfit was her size.

Britney Spears

Another celebrity who prefers putting things on butt is Britney Spears. Looking at her outfits, it seems that the singer slightly underestimates her parameters, still choosing size C.

Mariah Carey

Another performer, whose images do not match her appearance – Mariah Carey. In the press every now and then there is news about the struggle of the singer with excess weight, but it seems that Carey does not worry at all because of his weight.

Eva Longoria

June 19, 2018 Eva Longoria first became a mother, despite the fact that the figure of the actress has not yet come into shape, she appears without hesitation in public in very tight dresses. Such courage, according to many web users, is not justified, because the actress in such dresses does not look the best way.

Katie Holmes

Once with the size of the dress, Katie Holmes, whose neckline looked so compressed that it seemed that the actress would soon have nothing to breathe!


Rihanna also opted for a strange-cut dress: the very wide style of the skirt did not at all harmonize with the close top. Looking at the singer’s constricted breasts, people around her were afraid that the dress was about to burst at the seams.

READ MORE Irina Shayk showed a picture of her mother in her youth and proved to everyone that her beauty is real!

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