Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

ben February 7, 2018 0

« VERY FAST TRIP » is a contemporary fable about planned obsolescence, overconsumption. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day. Rise & Fall : the best enemies of the world.
With this subject and a certain touch of humour, I have tried to recount the journey of a consumer product by bringing it to life (at least partially) as a man. If there is an area where everything goes very quickly, it is computer science. Furthermore, is a human being not a consumer product in our today’s society?
The title « VERY FAST TRIP » summarizes the journey of our consumer products from the moment we open the box until we replace them, what happens often too early. Because of tiredness, or jealousy towards the neighbour who bought the new model, a lack of solidity or also a (deliberate?) absence of spare parts at a time where we prefer to replace a device instead of repairing it. Not forgetting theories on planned obsolescence.
I am pleased to share with you the adventures of our overconsumption « hero » since its “unwrapping” until its death… recycling which include glorious moments, impressions to be the king of the world, excesses, difficult “morning after”, nostalgia, challenges and a fight to try to survive in an ungrateful world with its fallen “stars”… by Michaël Massart

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day

Series « VERY FAST TRIP » by Michaël Massart. What our society promotes today is thrown away the next day



