Three Simple Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight Without Diet and Drugs

Three Simple Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight Without Diet and Drugs

ben August 23, 2018 0

Do you want to lose weight healthy and without dieting? Mission is possible. We offer you three simple tricks that will help you lose those extra pounds and return to the form again.

How to quickly lose weight

Three Simple Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight Without Diet and Drugs

1. Remove from the diet sugar and white flour

Remove the white flour and sugar from your menu. Say “goodbye” to fizzy drinks, hamburgers and fatty pizza. White flour not only does not contain useful ingredients, but also leads to constipation. And in case of a bad metabolism, you will constantly gain weight, no matter how careful you are and how much food you did not eat.

Instead, replace the white flour with rye or wholemeal. Eat oatmeal, kernels of rye or millet. They perfectly replace wheat, and also much more useful. You will feel the difference after the first week.

As for sugar, the ideal substitute is honey, but if you can not eat it or you simply do not like it, replace white sugar with brown, it is more useful.

Instead of consuming white sugar, you can also replace it with fruits. Bananas, pineapples, oranges, apples, kiwi – all of them can successfully nourish you all day. And they contain a lot less calories.

Three Simple Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight Without Diet and Drugs

2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day

To cleanse the body of toxins, drink at least 2 liters of water a day. It is useful for the kidneys, and also saves from dehydration.

If you do not like to just drink ordinary water, we offer you two healthy cocktails that are not only good for your health, but also cleanse the stomach and intestines.

You need:

1. 8 glasses of water.
2. Spoon the crushed fresh ginger root.
3. Fresh, medium cucumber, peeled and sliced.
4. 1 medium-sized lemon, also sliced.
5. 12 beams of green mint.

To make your cocktail, just mix the ingredients in a glass jar, pour them 8 glasses of water and leave the mixture overnight in the fridge. In the morning, filter the water and drink it all day, drinking one mug half an hour before eating.

Why Date Sugar Rivals Honey as the Healthiest Sweetener

Another option for cleaning the body is the preparation of tea from parsley. In 1 liter of boiling water, brew 5 teaspoons of dried parsley. You pour and drink all day. But be careful, because parsley reduces your blood pressure, and you may get dizzy. The drink is taken two days in a row, preferably on weekends.


Three Simple Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight Without Diet and Drugs

3. Syrup with honey and horseradish

A syrup of honey and horseradish can help you lose weight more easily. All you need is 125 grams of horseradish, 3 lemons and 3 tablespoons of honey.

Mix horseradish, peeled lemons and honey in a blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Transfer everything to the jar and take 1 teaspoon of the beverage twice a day before meals.

Consume it for three weeks in a row, then pause for 7 days and repeat the procedure again.

This syrup will help you remove fat and excess water from your body, and also positively affect the work of the brain. Helps improve memory, hearing and vision.

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