Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

ben May 14, 2018 0

Some things just feel better with music. Such as parties. And TRAVELING. Because let’s face it, without music, the world would just B flat, right? Collaborating with the music-mad crew at Beats Travel, STA Travel Beats are unique small group tours that are all about music, festivals and culture. From Iceland’s Secret Solstice to India’s Magnetic Fields festival, plus exclusive raves, sailing adventures and underground music events in between, we are back on the road this year with a killer lineup of festivals and music tours.

Discover the world, discover new music, discover a new way of traveling.

Let us introduce you to the crew…

Beats Travel is a crew of avid travelers and music enthusiasts, who saw a gap between the two, and decided to bring music touring to life as the next generation of traveling. The crew consists of experienced tour guides, along with DJs, photographers, videographers and event planners, all with one thing in common, a love of a unique party, and sharing this passion with everyone.

Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

Are you a Beats traveler?

If you love music and travel, you’ve come to the right place. Experience a new generation of traveling by combining your love for music and culture in unique locations around the world. We revolve solely around music and festivals, working with renowned artists and DJs from around the globe. Think exclusive parties, cult nightclubs and underground music events.

Watch the action >

What’s included?

A legendary Beats guide and crew, festival tickets, special events such as opening and closing parties, new friends that you didn’t know you needed, and all transport and accommodation. Dependent on the country, this can range from hand-picked hostels/hotels, to Bedouin tents and VIP Yachts.

Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

Where do we go?

STA Travel Beats has three types of trips: Festival Tours, Sailing Tours and A.M.C Tours (Adventure, Music and Culture).

Festival Tours

8 Day Icelandic Beats (includes Secret Solstice festival)

When: 18-25 Jun 18
Where: Reykjavík, Iceland
Go for: Dancing under the midnight sun

Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

Ready to rave? Find out more

10 Day Balkan Beats (includes EXIT festival)

When: 9-18 Jul 18
Where: Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia
Go for: Stage dives and culture dives

Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

Take me there!

A.M.C Tours

8 Day Goa Beats (+ resident DJ on tour)

When: Weekly between Nov-Mar
Where: Goa, India
Go for: Hedonistic house and hippy markets

Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

Tie dye and face paint at the ready. Find out more

Sailing Tours

4 Day Sail Beats (+ an on board DJ)

When: 4-7 Jul 18
Where: Croatia
Go for: High tides and DJ vibes

Why you should go on a festival tour this summer!

Boats and beats? Read more

You feeling the beat yet? For all STA Travel Beats tours, festival videos and testimonials from past Beats Travelers, click here. Your summer needs this.

The post Why you need go on a festival tour this summer appeared first on STA Travel Blog.
