6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week

6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week

ben November 4, 2019 0

A survey of thousands of respondents showed that 81% of them complain and lose heart when the weekend comes to an end and a new work week looms on the horizon. 2/3 of respondents admitted that they sleep poorly on the night of Sunday to Monday. Even those who love their work are nervous and worried.

How to overcome sadness and tune in to the work week

These methods will relieve stress, relax your body and charge you with the necessary mood!

1. Training

6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week
Photo: depositphotos.com

Physical activity reduces anxiety and depression, improves mood, improves sleep and fights stress associated with the end of the weekend. Just 5 minutes devoted to aerobics work wonders! Scientists have proven that light exercise improves verbal memory and memorization. Do you like strength training? They also have benefits. According to a study conducted in 2012, they improve memory, so do your health!

2. Go for a walk

6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week
Photo: depositphotos.com

Outing is a great way to relax! Even a simple 10-minute walk in the park 3 times a week significantly reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. During a leisurely walk, the brain is saturated with oxygen and immersed in a state of meditation. A one and a half hour walk within the city eliminates obsessive negative thoughts. Are you still at home?

3. Give up alcohol

6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week
Photo: depositphotos.com

Many people relax Friday-Saturday in the company of friends and strong drinks. No condemnation! Just do not drink on Sunday evening. It has been proven that alcohol disturbs sleep, causes depression, feelings of anxiety and anger. Instead of taking a full rest, you run the risk of waking up on a broken Monday morning. If you still drink alcohol on Sunday, try to get into it long before you go to bed.

4. Set aside gadgets

6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week
Photo: depositphotos.com

Try to spend Sunday without a phone, Wi-Fi, the Internet, a computer or social networks. Sounds wild? Constantly being online keeps us in suspense even on a day off, preventing us from relaxing. If this idea only makes you more sad, then try to turn off all gadgets at least half an hour before bedtime. Better yet, take them out of the bedroom (and this also applies to the TV)! Blue light from the screens of electronic devices interferes with the production of melatonin – the hormone responsible for sleep and awakening.

5. Write down your thoughts

6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week
Photo: depositphotos.com

As a rule, on Monday, a lot of things are planned that do not give you rest and interfere with a good rest at night. Anxious thoughts can cause insomnia. Use your favorite stress reduction counseling technique: make a list of all the tasks you have planned for Monday or even the whole week ahead. You can even write them in order of priority. Having thrown out all your plans on paper, you will feel relief. And if you want, write down everything that worries you in life, or for which you are grateful at the moment. Keeping notes improves overall well-being, strengthens the immune system and relieves feelings.

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6. Get ready for bedtime

6 Ways to Get Rid Of Sadness Before Monday And Tune In To The Work Week
Photo: depositphotos.com

Getting ready for bed takes longer than you think. Make sure your bed and pillows are comfortable and remember to ventilate the bedroom. The ideal temperature in the room is 15-20 degrees. Do not watch TV in it and do not work. Your brain must remember that in the bedroom you are just resting. Dim the light, close the curtains tightly so that the room is as dark as possible. Get rid of any extraneous sounds or stock up on a pair of ear plugs. At least an hour before bedtime, stop being active and relax: do yoga, meditation, take a bath or read a book. Of course, her plot should not be stressful.

That’s all! By Monday you are ready!

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