7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

ben February 21, 2019 0

Such a celebrity special profession, which requires them to frequently change the image, style, appearance, and so on. For example, some of the actors need to lose weight by a few pounds, and someone to become a blonde. Alas, but if you want to be a successful artist, then you have to put up with it …

Today we collected photographs of those world stars who, in 2019, unexpectedly for others, changed their appearance. Who are these famous personalities? And what did they do to themselves this time? 7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone! Learn from our today’s article!

7 world stars who unexpectedly changed the image.



What a twist! Now the world singer, who most often was blonde, decided to change her hair colour. Do you think Madonna is going to be a brunette? 7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

Megan Fox

And one more amazing transformation! Fateful and bright actress turned into a romantic and pleasant person. Most likely, Megan Fox is preparing for a new movie role …

7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

Gigi Hadid

The American model also decided to change the image. True, the result surprised us a bit. Doesn’t Gigi remind anyone now? Maybe Twiggy?

7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

Naomi Campbell

Wow, it turns out the supermodel also decided to hit everyone! What about her gorgeous long hair? True, now Naomi Campbell looks even cooler and more attractive …)

7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

John Travolta

And in the row of bald men replenishment! John Travolta decided to change his haircut, and he did it in a very unusual way. Perhaps this is needed for a new role, who knows …

7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

Keith Harington

Not the best transformation from our list today! Kit Harington apparently decided that with a moustache he would be more beautiful. Well, in vain …)

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7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

Zac Efron

American actor who played in a large number of comedy films. Zak Efron in 2019 surprised his fans by repainting as a blond. A strange choice, old man …

7 Celebrities, Who Unexpectedly Changed the Image For Everyone!

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