A Breath Of Fresh Air. How I’m Working Smarter, not Harder in 2020!

A Breath Of Fresh Air. How I’m Working Smarter, not Harder in 2020!

ben December 23, 2019 0

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about being able to keep up with New Year’s Resolutions or goals… is that success doesn’t happen overnight.

In the last few months, I’ve made it a point to check off some of the big things that have been on my long-term to-do list for a while now, and I wanted to share the steps I took to get there with you all right before the New Year! Instead of repeating the same problem over and over again and making up excuses, I decided to actually do something about it and came up with solutions to my problems.

A Breath Of Fresh Air. How I’m Working Smarter, not Harder in 2020!

Closet Clean Out 

My Problem:

I’m overwhelmed, can’t find anything, everything’s a mess, and haven’t been inspired.

My Solution:

I added a date to my calendar to purge my closet on a quarterly basis. While there are some pieces I’ll never get rid of (like my wedding dress), so many pieces in my closet have just been sitting there taking up space. When I finally got down to business, I got rid of SO much stuff! Pieces that didn’t fit anymore, things from past seasons, things that I didn’t even remember I had, things that were outdated… you get the picture. When all was said and done, it felt like a breath of fresh air! My closet had room again and felt inspiring to look through! Not to mention the fact that the clean up is so much easier now that it’s not overflowing with excess stuff.

A Breath Of Fresh Air. How I’m Working Smarter, not Harder in 2020!

Working Out

My Problem:

I want to have a consistent workout schedule and make it a priority but my schedule is so crazy and can’t find the time!

My Solution:

First, I scheduled time in my calendar. A lot of people, myself included, wait to feel motivated but that’s rare. Adding it to my calendar made it feel more official because I made time to work out and could physically see time blocked off. I treated it like an important meeting, and even if I didn’t feel like it- I was going to show up! For about a year, I was waking up at 4:30 am to get a workout in at least 3x a week! It’s all about making time! After that call time started getting to me, I decided to invest in a Peloton and it’s been a game-changer.

I had heard amazing things and I liked the idea that I could get a killer workout in my own home! I can do a quick 20-30 minute workout while the girls are still asleep or while they’re napping making it super convenient as I’m not wasting time driving to and from my workouts. Of course, it’s an investment, but when you factor in cost-per-use vs. the amount you’d pay on a gym membership- it pays for itself! (PS: this is not an ad- I bought it with my own money and just really love it so wanted to share it with you all!)

If an at-home workout machine isn’t within your price range right now, there are a lot of amazing workout videos on Youtube that can help you get a quick sweat in for free!

Creative Brain vs. Business Brain

My Problem:

Switching between my business hat and my creative hat makes it hard to focus on one thing.

My Solution:

I’ve recently gotten into something called ‘Time Batching.’ It’s a time management hack to help with organization and productivity! Basically, it’s taking similar or “like-things” in your schedule and lumping them together.

Now, I take a little more care in filling up my calendar more strategically by keeping creative days and business days separate so I can allow me to focus and go deep within one side of my brain and give it my all!

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When you create your new year’s goals or resolutions, or even a big-picture goal you want to achieve for 2020, I hope this post inspires you to find the solutions that work best for you!
A Breath Of Fresh Air. How I’m Working Smarter, not Harder in 2020!

Photography by Karla Ticas

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