How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.

How cute! 10+ Photos of Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.

ben July 30, 2019 0

We will  show you the pets of famous actors, musicians, writers and artists.

10+ photos of the stars of the past with favorite cats in their arms

From Salvador Dali and Picasso to Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson. And which of these rare retro shots did you like the most? Tell us in the comments 😉

1.Kurt Cobain

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.
a photo: Pinterest

Vocalist Nirvana with a little friend on his shoulder

2. Mark Twain

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

The writer admitted that he could not pass by the cat, so as not to stroke it. Especially if he purred

3. Salvador Dali

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.

An eccentric artist in an embrace with his ocelot named Baba

4. Ernest Hemingway

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

In his home in Cuba, the American writer kept a whole family of cats, which by 1954 had grown to 34 fluffy souls!

5. Ray Bradbury

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

Famous writer poses for photos with his pet

6. Elizabeth Taylor

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

The famous actress had a lot of cats. The picture shows one of them named Ali Khan.

7. Jacqueline Kennedy

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

Gray cat named Tom Kitten was one of the animals that the former US First Lady kept in the White House

8. Jean-Paul Sartre

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo:

The French philosopher and playwright apparently loved to work in the company of a fluffy cat.

9. Freddie Mercury

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Twitter

Oscar, Goliath, Miko, Romeo and Lily lived in front of the Queen’s frontman. Pictured in 1986, the singer is captured with a Tiffany cat

10. Michael Jackson

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

Pop King in his youth with a black cat in his arms

11. Pablo Picasso

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Twitter

In the photo, dated 1954, the world-famous artist keeps a pet

12. John Lennon

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

The Beatles singer was a real cat owner. Over the years, Tick, Tim, Sam, Elvis, Mimi, Babagi, Major, Miner, Salt, Pepper, Misha, Shasha, Alik and Charo lived with him.

13. Marilyn Monroe

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

Sex symbol of the 1950s with a pet named Mitsu in her arms

14. James Dean

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

American actor with a cat Marcus, whom he gave to Elizabeth Taylor in 1955

15. Marlon Brando

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

Famous actor from the United States resting on the couch with a white friend

16. Stanley Kubrick

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Pinterest

Eminent director and screenwriter stroking a cat who jumped onto his lap

17. Audrey Hepburn

How cute! 10+ Photos of  Celebrities with Favorite Cats. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson.a photo: Twitter

The famous actress loved animals and treated them well

Isn’t that cute? Share this collection with your friends in social networks, and do not miss:


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