How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows

How to grow Beautiful eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows

ben April 1, 2020 0

Wide, thick eyebrows stay as trendy many years in a row. Numerous insta-divas and models at Fashion Week shows have amazing think and wide eyebrows. But what if your own eyebrows are far from perfect? Perhaps you tweaked them in your youth or became a victim of improper care? Today instead of thick eyebrows, you can only see thin, rare and almost colorless. They grow in pieces or do not grow at all … Familiar? Do not rush to despair! Today in the magazine “Furilia” will tell you how to grow thick and wide eyebrows.

Follow these simple tips and have patience, you will see soon the first positive results.

1. Take vitamins

How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows
How To Grow Beautiful Eyebrows
photo: Pinterest

One of the reasons your eyebrows may be in a sad state is a lack of vitamins in the body. But do not rush to independently diagnose yourself and run to the pharmacy. To begin, make an appointment with a trichologist and pass all the necessary tests. It is possible that the doctor will prescribe you to take a course of vitamin supplements.

2. Protect eyebrows from skin care products

When applying cream, serum or mask to your face, make sure that these products do not fall on the eyebrows. Why is this so important? The fact is that the nutrients contained in them are able to clog the hair follicles. The  eyebrows hairs may begin to fall out or stop growing.

3. Use oils

How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows
How To Grow Beautiful Eyebrows

Castor oil is considered one of the most effective hair growth products. It contains omega-6 fatty acids, which improve blood circulation and strengthen hair roots. Thanks to Vitamin E, the hairs become strong and dense. Put a couple drops of castor oil on a cotton swab and massage it with eyebrows. Leave it on the skin for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Regular use of the oil guarantees hair growth, nourishes them and gives them shine.

Coconut oil restores natural density and stimulates the growth of eyebrows. It reduces protein loss by strengthening hair follicles. Apply oil on a cotton pad in the evening and brush eyebrows on it. Leave it all night, and wash them in the morning.

How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows
How To Grow Beautiful Eyebrows

photo: Pinterest

A popular folk remedy for accelerating eyebrow growth is Burr oil. It penetrates the roots of the hairs, strengthening them and stopping the loss. Make them less brittle almond oil. So that the eyebrows do not thin, you can also lubricate them peach butter, which is better to preheat, apply to cotton pads and use as a mask. Keep the oil for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Remember that to achieve the result, you must use the oil daily for at least three weeks.

4. Make eyebrow masks

How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows

photo: Twitter

Masks based on several ingredients will help to achieve the desired result faster. Grind parsley and mix with aloe juice. Apply the resulting slurry on the eyebrows and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse. You can also cook a carrot mask. To do this, take 5 drops of vitamin A and a tablespoon of carrot juice. Dampen a napkin in the mixture and apply it to the eyebrows. Wash with warm water after 20 minutes.


Another option is an oil mask. Take in equal proportions sea buckthorn, almond, burdock and olive oil. Dissolve in it a few drops of vitamin A and E. In the evening, apply the composition on the eyebrows and leave it overnight. You can also add rosemary, tea tree, sage, lavender or immortelle essential oils to this mask. In its pure form, it is dangerous to use because of the risk of getting a burn. But a few drops in the main mix will not bring harm.

5. Prepare the serum

How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows


Based on oils, you can prepare natural eyebrow serum and to not spend a lot of money on it. Take 1 teaspoon of castor and 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil, one capsule of vitamin E (ask pharmacies), 2 drops of any essential oil that I wrote about above, and a clean bottle of mascara. Mix all the ingredients, transfer them with a pipette or syringe into a tube, screw on the lid and shake well.

Apply serum with an eyelash brush 1-2 times a day for 20 minutes or all night. It depends on how your skin reacts. Use the composition for 3 months, and then take a break for a month.

6. Dye your eyebrows with henna

How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows

photo: Twitter

Unlike chemical-based colous, henna does not only give the eyebrows a shade, but also cares for them: strengthens the structure, makes them thicker and denser. You can choose a color from black to the usual brown. The henna’s color lasts about 2-3 weeks. Perform the procedure in the salon or at home, adding a couple of drops of burdock or castor oil to the henna for an even greater effect. Regular dyeing with a natural remedy will benefit the eyebrows growth.


7. Do not forget about makeup

How to grow Beautiful  eyebrows. practical tips for Thick Eyebrows

photo: Youtube

If the effect of the procedures done is temporarily absent, and you want a thick, wide eyebrow, this can be achieved with the help of competent makeup. Draw thin hairs with a pencil and fill in the blanks. Comb your eyebrows with a special brush and fix them with gel. By the way, it can be not only transparent, but also with a slight tint to give even more expressiveness to your look.

8. Be patient

Yes exactly. Before you see the long-awaited eyebrows of your dreams, it will take at least 15 weeks, and maybe more. But it’s worth it! Do not leave the planned path, show patience! Good luck!


