Only Not In the Summer! 5 Habits It’s time to Get Rid Right Now

Only Not In the Summer! 5 Habits It’s time to Get Rid Right Now

ben July 2, 2018 0

Summer really wants to relax. Where is there until the organization and self-improvement. But there are habits that are better to get rid of right now, because at other times it will not be so relevant. In addition, hot weather and bright sun can help to cope with the task much easier. Shall we get rid of the harmful one?

Run Forest run!

We can not run, but it’s quite real to walk a couple of stops instead of “hovering” in traffic jams. Make a choice in favor of foot traffic, unless, of course, you do not live a few hours from work. But once a day be sure to go for a walk, because the summer for this and there!

Sports Summer

You put off the sport for the New Year, then for the Birthday, then for the day of the Chinese railwayman … Enough! It’s time to plunge into swimming, cycling or beach volleyball. Do not need to close in a stuffy gym to feel like a super sports girl. Such a chance you will have only a year, so catch the moment. And if you have small tomboy, then you will even run after them on the sites!

Multi-layer make-up

Primer, concealer, bronzer, highlighter, foundation, powder, blush … So many funds can, of course, provide you with persistent and professional make-up, but not in the summer. First, the skin under this layer of toning will not breathe normally. Secondly, the cutaneous secret, actively allocated in the heat, will simply “wash away” all your efforts and the moist effect will appear, even if you did not conceive it. Thirdly, summer is often a time for holidays and vacations, and the skin also wants to relax. Well, for a beach party or a walk with friends, the easier version of make up Only Not In the Summer! 5 Habits It’s time to Get Rid Right Now

Candy, lamb …

Berries and fruit – that’s what you should pay attention to on hot days. And sweet sweating chocolates and sweets leave for later (so, you look, and you will not learn 🙂 And heavy desserts with cream and baking should be postponed, because now it will not be possible to hide your tummy under a thick jacket. And in a bikini and with a pussy, you will look though cute, but not very aesthetically.

Frequent drinking water

Alcohol can often occur in your gatherings with friends on cold winter evenings, when it seems that there is no better way to warm up than a fragrant mulled wine. But in the heat of excess alcohol will only aggravate your condition. Therefore, choose non-alcoholic cocktails, especially since now any restaurant has a rather diverse map of soft drinks. And your head will be lighter, and health will help.

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