The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children

The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children

ben January 12, 2020 0

The name is the most important aspect of any personality. Every name carries some information, code and designation. Nowadays, many names wander from the country to a country, someone comes up with new ones or searches for long forgotten ones. The Celebrities don’t stay aside! Here are the most original names of celeb’s children!

Gwyneth Paltrow (actress)

The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children
Gwyneth Paltrow

That’s what good nutrition means during pregnancy! The actress’s daughter’s name is Apple (apple). Celeb mom admits she likes
sonorousness of this word!

Candice Swanepoel (supermodel)

The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children
Candice Swanepole

And here is the supermodel Candice Svejonpole with her husband Herman Nicoli (model) named his son after the faithful parrot – Aneku. This bird lives on Herman’s homeland in Brazil.

Milla Jovovich (supermodel, actress)

The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children
Milla Jovovich

Love for parents – mother Galina and father Bogdan successfully
encrypted in the name of the girl Ever Gabo. But the first part of the name is the popular Irish masculine name.

Natalia Vodianova (supermodel)

The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children
Natalya Vodyanova

The only daughter of supermodel Natalia Vodianova got the original
and an unforgettable name – a girl’s name is Neva. And if you thought it was in tune with the Neva River, then put emphasis on the first syllable – this is the right option sounding.

Lipa Teterich (host)

The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children
Lipa Teterich

In general, it is not surprising that the host of the Olympics Teterich chose
son and daughter names associated with plants – Melissa and Laurus. After all, her name is in an abbreviated version (Linden) also refers to the kingdom of flora.

READ MORE An All-occasion Apple Cake Recipe

David and Victoria Beckham (soccer player and designer)

The Most Amazing Names Of Celebrity Children
David and Victoria Beckham

The only daughter of the Beckham couple is named Harper Seven. And if
the first part of the name – Harper was chosen in honor of the writer Harper Lee, then the second part, Seven (seven), is David’s number at Manchester United.

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