Garlic Jam: Top 3 Recipes. Unusual – it’s easy to say! This jam is simply stunning! Such a jam will surely surprise anyone who tries it.
Plus, the good news! – even with heat treatment, without which, as you know, it is impossible to cook jam, garlic does not lose its beneficial properties. Eat it to strengthen the immune system, serve with meat, liver, meat rolls. It equally favorably emphasizes the taste of hot dishes (especially cooked on the fire) and cold appetizers.
We picked up 3 interesting and proven garlic jam recipes. They are all different and, we hope, you will find the one that will be to your taste!
Garlic citrus jam

- garlic – 500 g
- water – 100 ml
- lemon – 1 pc.
- orange – 1 pc.
- sugar – 1 cup
- ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
Cooking method:
- Disassemble the heads of garlic into cloves, peel, wash. Grind the prepared garlic with a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
- Wash the lemon and orange thoroughly, rub the zest with a fine grater, and squeeze the juice from the fruit, manually or using a special device.
- Put chopped garlic in a saucepan, add sugar, cinnamon, zest of lemon and orange, pour water, lemon and orange juice. Stir everything and leave for 12 hours.
- After this time, put the pan on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil and cook on low heat for about 30 minutes.
- In prepared (washed and dried) jars, lay out the ready-made piquant garlic jam, twist with screw caps. After cooling, store in a refrigerator or other cool place.
Classic garlic jam

- 200 gr garlic (3 heads)
- 2-3 teaspoons of sugar (can be brown or honey)
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- a pinch of nutmeg
Cooking method:
- Bake the heads of garlic in the oven at a pace. 200C.
- Peel the garlic.
- Sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and garlic through a blender. You can add boiled water if the jam is very thick.
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Garlic Jam with Wine

- peeled garlic – 0.5 kg;
- granulated sugar – 0.5 kg;
- vintage red wine – 1 liter;
- citrus zest (thin peel), taken from 1 large lemon or orange;
- dried ginger (powder) – 1 pinch.
Cooking method:
- Cut peeled garlic cloves with a sharp knife into plates or small cubes.
- Bring the wine to a boil in an enameled pan, dissolve the sugar in it, dip the garlic in a boiling liquid.
- After 15 minutes, lay the zest and ginger.
- Cook the jam on a very low fire, stirring occasionally, until the liquid decreases in volume by about half.
- Arrange the finished mass in small clean and dry jars and store in the refrigerator under the lid.
Bon Appetite!
Ah, how delicious that dish was! And even though you’ve already eaten half, you suddenly remembered that there was a date ahead (a business meeting, an interview, a parent meeting, a meeting of friends), but it was not up to you to stop … You shouldn’t cancel the meeting, there are ways to significantly reduce the smell of garlic.
True, the smell of garlic cannot be neutralized 100%. After all, after the meal you eat, it comes no longer from the mouth, but from the digestive tract. So, next time, before activities involving social contact, refrain from eating garlic. But the purity of breathing should be fought. Find out with “Furilia” what will help to reduce the smell of garlic:
-Eat 10 sprigs of parsley.
-Drink a glass of milk.
-Potatoes and spinach are those vegetables that are also able to help you.
-Grate 2 teaspoons of lemon peel and chew it for 1 minute.
-Eat fruit: peach, pear, apricot, apple or plum.
-Chew 5 coffee beans (cardamom, anise or clove buds are also suitable).
-Drink mint and lemon tea.
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