TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other

TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other

ben August 29, 2020 0

It is generally accepted that almost all Hollywood stars begin their careers according to a knurled pattern: they combine trips to auditions with filming in commercials and video clips. But there are also such artists who, without thinking ahead, agreed to more exotic work in cinema at the dawn of their careers. Diaz, Moore and other celebrities who started their careers in adult films

Cameron Diaz
TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other
Celebrities Who Started Their Careers In Adult Films
Cameron Diaz

The actress never openly commented on this fact of her biography, but she also did not dispute irrefutable evidence of her participation in the paintings of the erotic genre – there are still porn films with her participation on the Web. For the first time this became known to journalists after the first high-profile success of Diaz, associated with her role in the comedy “The Mask”. Then a BDSM video with the participation of an aspiring star was leaked to the Internet. It turned out that at the time of filming Cameron was only 19 years old (that is, according to American law, she was still a minor).

The misadventures of Diaz did not end there – having felt the smell of easy money, former photographer John Rutter began to blackmail her. The man claimed that in his archives there is a video of a much more shocking nature. Cameron did not agree to follow the lead of the greedy photographer and through the court defended her right to confidentiality. Such situations are not uncommon for Hollywood and always serve as parting words for aspiring actors – make career decisions so that you will not be ashamed of them when you come to success.

Sylvester Stallone
TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other
Celebrities Who Started Their Careers In Adult Films

Sylvester Stallone

The author and star of the Rocky franchise has honestly admitted his participation in the adult film with the intriguing title “Italian Stallion”. According to the hero of the action movies, banal poverty pushed him to shoot in porn. The aspiring actor had nothing to eat, and the industry did not see the potential in a young man with congenital paralysis of the left side of his face that would allow him to become a new Hollywood star.

Sylvester himself reacted more than calmly to the fact that the film got on the Internet. The artist said that he did not regret his decision – the money earned on the set allowed him not to starve to death, and his reputation in porn was not affected.


Gillian Anderson
TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other
Celebrities Who Started Their Careers In Adult Films

Gillian Anderson

As it turned out, the performer of the role of Agent Scully has her own secret materials hidden in the closet, which she hid from fans for a long time. Restrained and secretive on the screen, in real life, Gillian turned out to be much more relaxed. Journalists found out that at the dawn of her career, Anderson starred not just in erotic films, but in real hard porn – some of these films are still banned in a number of countries.

Gillian herself does not like to discuss this period of her life with the press, but she does not hide that the experience gained helped her to be more daring and risky when choosing roles in feature films.

David Duchovny
TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other
Celebrities Who Started Their Careers In Adult Films

David Duchovny

This suggests a coincidence joke that’s hard to believe, but Anderson’s screen partner on the hit The X-Files also began his career in adult films. One of the most famous (in narrow circles) works of the adult genre for Duchovny was not even a film, but a whole series-anthology “The Diaries of the Red Shoe”.

David does not hide that in his younger years he loved to experiment with different genres. But what he did not say for a long time, so about his sex addiction – an addiction that ruined his marriage with actress Tea Leoni and cast a shadow on his professional reputation.

Demmy Moor
TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other
Celebrities Who Started Their Careers In Adult Films

Demi Moor

Demi began her long and difficult journey into big cinema with pictures of less valuable and more explicit content. Prior to her breakthrough role in Striptease, Moore starred in several adult films. Having become popular, the actress made a lot of efforts to remove porn films with her participation from the Internet.

It should be noted that Moore’s story looks much more tragic than that of her colleagues in the acting workshop. Last year, the star released a disruptive and shocking autobiography, in which she admitted that in her youth she became a victim of rape through the fault of her own mother: the parent “sold” her daughter to the owner of a nightclub for $ 500. Thus, Demi, through her terrible experience, proves that often deeply traumatized and unhappy people who survived violence at an early age go into the sex industry.

Til Schweiger
TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other
Celebrities Who Started Their Careers In Adult Films

Til Schweiger

The German star of predominantly romantic genre paintings does not like to remember how he earned money at the beginning of his acting career. Initially, Til did not plan to become an artist and entered medical school. Pretty soon, Schweiger realized that he was not ready to connect life with medicine, and dropped out of school. Finding himself at a crossroads, a young man without a constant source of income and profession decided to make quick money, for which he agreed to shoot films for adults.

Schweiger clarified that he was not directly involved in the key process of such filming, but was on the other side of the frame. He voiced the actors: artistically uttered short lines and moaned into the microphone.

Sandra Bullock
TOP celebrities who started their careers in adult films. Diaz, Moore And Other
Celebrities Who Started Their Careers In Adult Films

Sandra Bullock

One of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood in her early years, like many of her debutant colleagues, experienced financial difficulties. Sandra was stubbornly unlucky at the auditions, and she decided to make a living by filming soft porn. Subsequently, the star greatly regretted her decision and even hired special detectives who hindered the distribution of videotapes with a film rated XXX.

Bullock does not like to remember this period of her biography and admits that she would not repeat her mistake now. It is worth noting that, according to the audience who saw this film, it turned out to be very chaste.

Photo: Globe Photos, HEINRICH via, Supplied by, Xinhua, Â © Jill Johnson /, Frank Foden, Dave Bedrosian, Evandro Inetti, Armando Gallo, Chad Buchanan, Kevan Brooks, mg2, Armando Gallo, Jennifer Bloc / Geisler-Fotopress, Cinetext / Distler, Phil Roach / Global Look Press, Kevin Winter / Getty Images



