Visiting luxury Parisian Turkish SPA turns out great FUN being the only naked person in the room!!! /by ILoveRedLips

Visiting luxury Parisian Turkish SPA turns out great FUN being the only naked person in the room!!! /by ILoveRedLips

ben February 7, 2018 0

Visiting luxury Parisian Turkish SPA turns out great FUN being the only naked person in the room!!! /by ILoveRedLips

It was a very highly rated Turkish spa, women only, and it was several hours of going from a steam room to a pool to different treatments.

All the reviews on Trip Advisor warn that no one wears swimsuits and that you will stand out in a bad way as being an uncultured American if you do.

Visiting luxury Parisian Turkish SPA turns out great FUN being the only naked person in the room!!! /by ILoveRedLips

When I got there, the owner showed me to the locker room and gave me a robe and the world’s tiniest paper g-string.  It was one size fits all with basically a string up my butt and a tiny strip of white paper in the front that really covered nothing.

Visiting luxury Parisian Turkish SPA turns out great FUN being the only naked person in the room!!! /by ILoveRedLips

I’m led into the first room that is the “waiting” room of sorts – it had a giant steam room and pool, and you’d relax here while waiting to be taken back for different treatments.

The owner takes my robe to go hang it up…. and I turn around.  Every single woman is in a swimsuit.  I am the only naked person in the room.

…and to make it better, I was the only American in the room.  Those Parisians betrayed me with their sense of modesty.

I had a moment where I froze and just didn’t know what to do – I’d already paid and I didn’t want to put my dirty underwear back on that I’d just worn during 14 hours of traveling.

…so I just owned it.  Once I just pretended to not care, I actually didn’t care and I really ended up enjoying it.  (Plus, a bit later, I saw a few other ladies who were also naked, so it made me feel better.)

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