All About Eye Patches: apply old age on the face or extend tempting youth

All About Eye Patches: apply old age on the face or extend tempting youth

ben February 5, 2020 0

All About Impressive Eye Patches: apply old age on the face or extend youth? To get the expected effect of eye patches, you need to use them correctly.

Disputes and disagreements

There is no consensus on the use of patches. There is constant debate: are they useful or not? Some women consider their morning use a necessary procedure. The other half of female society prefers to do without them, believing that the delicate skin around the eyes suffers from the application.

The cosmetologist answers the question about the benefits or harms of patches. Perhaps her explanation will help make the right decision on the use of eye patches.

All About Eye Patches: apply old age on the face or extend tempting youth
All About Eye Patches: apply old age on the face or extend youth?

The birthplace of patches is Korea. It was there that they first appeared, then very quickly became popular all over the world. This fact did not pass by many cosmetic brand companies – they began to release their versions of patches, along with manufacturers from Asia.

These cosmetics have different properties. Some of them, the so-called “care”, are designed to moisturize the skin and are used as moisturizing masks. Others are used to protect the eyes when applying makeup. They are made of silicone and are self-adhesive soft plasters.

Most patches have a momentary effect on the skin. However, it should be remembered that the more often you moisturize the skin around the eyes using high-quality nutritious cosmetics, the more nutrients it will receive, while removing excess moisture. ”

Depending on the basis from which the patches are made, they are divided into three groups: collagen, hydrogel and tissue.

Collagen patches are based on collagen, which has moisturizing and regenerative properties. The constant use of collagen patches makes the skin healthy and supple.

The hydrogel composition includes hyaluronic acid.

Fabric patches are made of cotton fabric soaked in special serum.

How often can I use patches

These cosmetic stickers can be used in daily care, as they moisturize and nourish the skin much more effectively than creams and gels. To get good nutrition of the epidermis, beauticians recommend sticking patches twice a day, no more. That will be quite enough.

To obtain a more lasting effect, manufacturers are advised to carry out procedures using patches not once, but in courses. Moreover, the duration of the course and daily use should be selected individually. Some women will need very little time to moisturize, others much more.

All About Eye Patches: apply old age on the face or extend tempting youthphoto:

Patches are perfect for restoring the skin after a hard day, a fun party or a sleepless night. You can use it as an express agent twice a week – this will improve the condition of the skin and restore it.

Some stylists recommend applying patches for even evening makeup, as a base.

However, it is worth noting one big drawback of this cosmetic product – its cost.  Not every woman can do it. As an economy, you can stick on patches only with a feeling of increased dryness or before any event or event.

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What is included in eye patches

Before use, be sure to read the composition and determine how effective these patches are. Indeed, sometimes there are allergic reactions to any type of plant or component of animal origin. If you are not sure, consult a beautician to avoid swelling or other reactions.

In general, this cosmetic product incorporates many active substances that take part in the processes of restoration of the skin condition.

The reason for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

The effect of dark circles occurs due to the specific structure of the epidermis. Sometimes a girl’s/woman’s delicate skin around her eyes has too thin a layer. Blood vessels located close to the surface shine through the skin, forming dark spots – the effect of the panda. In the same place are fat bags, sometimes causing swelling of the eye area.

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The benefits of patches

The first facial wrinkles appear in the eye area due to too delicate and delicate skin. If the surface is dry and thin, then it primarily responds to all malfunctions of the internal organs and to external factors. Wrinkles are also formed as a result of frequent blinking and squinting eyes.

All About Eye Patches: apply old age on the face or extend tempting youthphoto:

Therefore, in daily facial care, eye area should be given special attention.

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Patches can help fix some unpleasant manifestations:

  1. When darkening under the eyes, the formation of dark circles, camouflage agents are often used: powder, pencil, foundation. The use of patches that have a brightening effect due to a special component is much more effective. They will make the look rested by removing the dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Sagging skin caused by natural aging and lack of nutrients causes ptosis of the eyelids. Cosmetic patches glued to the area around the eyes have an instant tightening effect, nourishing and moisturizing the dermis.
  3. Swelling under the eyes, the so-called bags, occur as a result of violations in the urinary system or increased stress on the kidneys in the afternoon. Patches can be a salvation, they will quickly remove the swelling. However, attention should be paid to restoring the body’s water balance – to organize the right drinking regimen, lead a healthy lifestyle, and engage in the treatment of chronic diseases, if any.

However, the peculiarity of the skin should be considered. Not in all cases the effect will be the same. Someone’s skin instantly reacts to procedures, while others – gradually. Cosmetics are applied after using pads, it looks more natural.

Any harm here?

Opponents of the use of patches argue their refusal to use them by the fact that the composition of this cosmetic product includes petrochemicals, many preservatives and silicone, which does not benefit the skin at all.

It is recommended to store patches in the refrigerator, as chilled pads relieve swelling faster. Patches are for single use only. After opening the package, they lose their sterility, so cosmetologists do not recommend using them again.

When it comes to the capabilities of any cosmetics, including eye patches, it is important to understand that there are no miracles. The biggest problem of those who always criticize patches is their high expectations.

Traces of chronic diseases, ruthless time, constant lack of sleep, stagnation of fluid in the body, a genetic predisposition to the formation of bags and bruises under the eyes can not always be removed even by a plastic surgeon, not that these cute, soaked in whey “jellies”. But! If you look at things more realistically, you will realize that patches are a great topic.

And how often do you use patches under the eyes and what effect do you observe? Share with us in the comments!

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