The girl designed a portable cleaning device that replaces the bath. In principle, it looks like a cat’s tongue.
Irina Samoilova, a student at Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Stroganova, became the finalist of the Lexus Design Award 2020 competition. The jury evaluated her concept of the Lick device – a portable cleaning product that allows you to wash without a shower or bath.

The device is a small “shell”, inside of which are hidden mechanisms and containers with liquid. Around them is soft material, the surface of which imitates a cat’s tongue. It is also covered with “papillae” that help remove dirt.

Since the material is soft and elastic, it allows you to wash inaccessible places, and thanks to the “papillae” you can also clean the parts of the body covered with hair.
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Lick is useful to all people who for one reason or another do not have access to the bath or shower. According to Fast Company, in the first place, Irina developed a device for her grandmother, who was bedridden. Student tried to find an alternative to rags and wet wipes. You can use Lick during long trips.
So far, the girl has only a mock device in her hands, but together with Lexus she will develop a working prototype that she will present at Milan Design Week 2020. The projects of the other five finalists will also be shown there.
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