Do Not Get Old! 7 People Who Seem To Know the Secret Of Eternal Youth

Do Not Get Old! 7 People Who Seem To Know the Secret Of Eternal Youth

ben February 24, 2019 0

Nobody wants to grow old, and women especially. Today we will show you beauties who managed to stop the time! Looking at their beautiful figures and faces, the fear of old age simply recedes. What is their secret?

People who only get prettier over the years

1. Jasmina Rossi 63 years

Yasmina, confident that female beauty only increases with age. A woman says that organic diet helps her to maintain her youth, which she has followed for almost her whole life. Also, the model prefers to use natural oils in hair and skin care. Agree, it looks luxurious, and She still works as a model successfully!

2. Carroll Alt 57 years old

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A Canadian actress and model at the age of 57 has parameters that even young beauties can envy: 89-60-89! Periodically, the model eats only raw foods, considers it the main key to her eternal youth.

3. Marie Helvin 64 (!) Years

Do Not Get Old! 7 People Who Seem To Know the Secret Of Eternal Youth

At one time, this woman was recognized as the most beautiful young woman in the world. Well, over the years, she became just gorgeous! Marie has no children, so she devotes all her free time to sport and personal care. She leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke, and follows a strict diet. Marie also believes that stress is especially destructive for our youth, that’s why she tries to avoid love disappointments. Do Not Get Old! 7 People Who Seem To Know the Secret Of Eternal Youth

4. Yolanda Foster (Hadid) 54 years

This is the mother of the famous model Bella Hadid, the girl is clearly lucky with the genes! In her youth, Yolanda also worked as a model, and after 31 left the podium and devoted herself entirely to her family. Today she is the main assistant of her daughters models, and is a great example to follow!

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5. Pushpa Devi 50 years

The world found out about this Indonesian beauty after her sons congratulated her on her anniversary and posted a video on Youtube. No less than 50 years, but it’s very hard to believe it!

6. O’Hirn, 49

We didn’t forget about the men either! Do Not Get Old! 7 People Who Seem To Know the Secret Of Eternal Youth Well, who will say that this handsome is 49? The winner of the contest “Mr. Universe”, a multiple sports champion is a real role model! After all, Mike gets up every day at 3 am, so that he has time to train, and still has a strict diet!

7 Tao Porchon-Lynch, 99 years

Few people can boast such flexibility and vivacity at her age! In the past, this woman was an actress, a model, a laureate of ballroom dancing! Today she is a yoga instructor, to which girls of all ages are keen to get. Do Not Get Old! 7 People Who Seem To Know the Secret Of Eternal Youth But her favorite phrase, which has become the motto of life: “There is nothing that you could not do!”

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