How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

ben March 29, 2019 0

We have already told you earlier about an unusual artist named JT, who decided to support such a social movement as bodypositive. To do this, he took pictures of slender Hollywood stars and, using a graphical editor, Photoshop added them extra weight. Thus, JT wanted to prove to everyone that beauty can be different!

So, do not miss the second part of our last photo sampling, the heroes of which were famous personalities. These celebrities have added dozens of extra pounds, believe me, this is worth seeing!

Part 2.

Jessica Biel

Famous actress and wife of popular foreign singer Justin Timberlake came under the distribution. The artist decided to add Jessica Biel extra kilograms of 20, or even 30. That’s how the girl would have looked if she had really grown stout …

How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

Jessica Simpson

If the American singer and actress recovered, she might have looked that way. Well, is there a difference? How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

Christina Hendricks

And this red-haired American actress decided to take a little photo. If Christina Hendrix would suddenly become lush, she would look like this!

How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

Emma Stone

It is very unexpected to see this actress on our list. But, alas, she was not spared by the project of the artist. True, she decided to add a simply transcendental figure of excess weight …

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By the way, you can read more about this talented star in our material. How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

Katherine Heigl

But over this American actress still had pity. You may notice that Photoshop added 10-20 kilograms to her. Although BEFORE, of course, she looked much better …

How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

Eva Longoria

A beautiful woman and a talented actress, too, came to us in the article. What do you say, Eva Longoria has changed a lot after processing in Photoshop?

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How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

Rachel McAdams

Canadian actress no longer know! After all, from her appearance almost no trace. The artist is so fascinated by the process of adding excess weight that he could not preserve the beauty of Rachel McAdams.

How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

Kate Beckinsale

If the British actress had suddenly grown stout, it would have looked like this. I wonder how a woman would react to this collage …)

How Would Celebrities Look Like If They Gained Extra Weight … Part 2

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