Italy At Your Place: 3 unusual pizza recipes for a Saturday party!

Italy At Your Place: 3 unusual pizza recipes for a Saturday party!

ben January 31, 2020 0

The weekend is coming soon – why not make friends to watch your favorite movie or just throw a party. Of course, which party goes without pizza? We will talk about cooking unusual pizza recipes that will make your friends copy the recipe. Today “Furilia” will tell you how to surprise guests this weekend :))))!

Italy At Your Place: 3 unusual pizza recipes for a Saturday party!3 original pizza recipes 

Ham, Blue Cheese and Fruit Pizza RECIPE

The original combination of sweet pear and salty cheese with mold will not leave indifferent any guest.

What we need:

– The dough.

– Olive oil.

– Salt.

– Chopped onion.

– 1 tsp thyme.

– Sliced ​​pear.

– Grated cheese (any hard).

– Sliced ​​blue cheese (0.5 tbsp. L.).

– A few slices of ham.

How to cook:

Add the onion to the greased pan and fry until golden brown. Spread the rolled out dough on a baking sheet. Sprinkle the dough with salt and thyme. Add cheese, pear, and ham with onions. Put the pizza in the oven for 15 minutes.


Pizza with lamb and pumpkin RECIPE

What we need:

– A small pumpkin.

– Tomato sauce.

– Hard cheese – 100 g.

– Lamb stuffing.

– A bunch of cilantro.

– Tomato sauce of your choice.

– Cherry tomatoes.

– Honey – 50 g.

How to cook:

Divide the dough into pieces of 200 g, each of which is rolled out as thinly as possible. Grease the dough with sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and bake in honey, after which we spread the pumpkin along with cherry tomatoes on the dough. Put the minced meat on top and put the baking tray with pizza in the oven. On the baked pizza we lay out a sprig of cilantro and serve along with the tomato sauce of your choice.

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Pizza with avocado and smoked salmon RECIPE

What we need:

– Soft cheese.

– chopped dill.

– A clove of garlic.

– Olive oil.

– Half a red onion.

– Hard cheese.

– Smoked salmon.

– Refined avocado.

How to cook:

Soft cheese mixed with dill and garlic. Spread thinly rolled dough on a preheated baking sheet, pre-oiled. We put onion rings on the dough, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake until the cheese melts. After 15 minutes, remove the pizza from the oven, lay on top of salmon and avocado. Optionally, decorate pizza with lettuce.

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