Make-up in 2019: Laws, Rules and Trends

Make-up in 2019: Laws, Rules and Trends

ben February 22, 2019 0

Fashion does not stand still. And it concerns not only clothes and accessories. The world of make-up also has its own laws, which change from year to year. Our article will help you stay in trend in 2019.

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If you, like 99% of women in the world, do not visit a daily make-up artist, but apply your own makeup, this information will be more than helpful!

General trends

Fashion in the make-up of the current year – this is the real reference in the 90s. The trend for “make-up without makeup” remained in 2018, and it was replaced by … bright shadows, greasy arrows and rich colours of lipstick. Something like, isn’t it? So there is an excellent reason to get the “stray” cosmetics, which, it would seem, is hardly useful.

Make-up in 2019: Laws, Rules and Trends


Bold arrows in fashion again! Moreover, the priority is not on thin everyday arrows, created with the help of eyeliner with a thin brush, but on expressive stripes traced with a pencil. Preferably coloured – blue, blue or turquoise. Interestingly, top makeup artists recommend paying attention to the lower eyelids, emphasizing them with the help of shadows or the same bright pencil. Also, experts advise to focus on the corners of the eyes (remember the “biker colouring” of the 90s? It’s just about her).

As for the shadows, Smokey Eyes remains in fashion. Only slightly oiled. So, if before you didn’t have the perfect smoke for centuries, it’s very good! This year will be in trend!

Make-up in 2019: Laws, Rules and Trends

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Delicate nude shades are still considered good form. So if in your beautician full of lipstick and gloss of skin tones – do not rush to get rid of them. But what is interesting, bright lip makeup is also coming into fashion. The priority is on the classic red. From the new stylists recommend to get lipstick and gloss with the effect of “metallic”. Cosmetics can be silvery, grey and even blue tones! The main slogan in this year’s make-up is to shock!

Make-up in 2019: Laws, Rules and Trends


Everything is left as it was. Tonal framework and blush should be almost invisible. Stylists are advised to add a little rouge to the area under the eyes – so the image comes out more fresh. The main thing – do not overdo it!


The trend that arose at the end of the 2018th is still relevant. Fluffy eyebrows. To create this effect is simple – comb up the hairs with a brush and fix them with gel or mascara for eyebrows. To many, such an image still seems strange, but people involved in the world of fashion and modern trends will put a plus on your make-up.

Make-up in 2019: Laws, Rules and Trends

We hope that this material will help to remain useful throughout the year. And we will continue to report on updates in the fashion world. In order to look perfect, one make-up is not always enough :)!

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