Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope

Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope

ben October 22, 2020 0

Who among us has not checked the other half for compatibility by the sign of the zodiac? Furilia carefully studied the horoscopes of celebrities and found out that many exemplary couples from the point of view of the stars are not. About those whose unions are not blessed by heaven, read in our new material!

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Prince Harry With Meghan Markle And 5 More Strong Couples Incompatible By Horoscope
Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Prince William and Kate Middleton

On April 29, 2011, Prince William married a commoner Kate Middleton from a family of coal miners. Then their marriage union seemed to many to be unequal. And it’s not just about status and finances. Astrologers, for example, vied with each other to predict an imminent divorce for the newlyweds because of their zodiacal incompatibility. The fact is that the grandson of Elizabeth II is Gemini, and his chosen one is Capricorn. These zodiac signs tend to have a hard time getting along. The conservative Capricorn cannot get used to seven Fridays in the week with Gemini and is looking for a soul mate among fellow earthly elements. However, every rule has an exception. So the Cambridge couple have been living in perfect harmony for more than nine years, raising three adorable children – 7-year-old George, 5-year-old Charlotte and 2-year-old Louis.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope

Coincidence or not, yet another royal couple is incompatible in horoscope. It’s about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The son of Princess Diana was born under the sign of Virgo – he is pragmatic, thrifty and loves to criticize others. The star of the series “Force Majeure”, on the contrary, is impractical, prone to waste and does not accept unsolicited advice in his address, like any Leo. Maybe Elizabeth II was right when she opposed the choice of her grandson?

David and Victoria Beckham

Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
David and Victoria Beckham

“Together in spite of” – these two words can describe the relationship between David and Victoria Beckham. The world-famous handsome football player and former lead singer of the Spice Girls group is linked by a twenty-one-year-old marriage and four children – 21-year-old Brooklyn, 18-year-old Romeo, 15-year-old Cruz and 9-year-old Harper. In the early 2000s, the Beckhams’ family boat almost shattered due to a tumultuous romance between David and his young assistant Rebecca Luz, but Victoria turned out to be wiser and forgave her husband the hikes to the left. Since the betrayal of one of the spouses did not lead to divorce, then the zodiacal incompatibility will not be a problem even more. David and Victoria, like Taurus and Aries, adhere to completely different values, but this does not bother them at all.

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez
Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

For three years now, Jennifer Lopez has been dating baseball player Alex Rodriguez, who is six years her junior. Lovers are not embarrassed by either a noticeable age difference, or the fact that they are completely incompatible according to the horoscope. The performer of the greatest hits On The Floor and Ain’t Your Mama was born under the sign of Leo, and so did her young boyfriend. Both in the jungle and in family life, there are no two kings. If Jennifer and Alex want to take their relationship to the next level, they need to learn to yield to each other and put the interests of the other half above their own. Selfishness and “pulling the blanket” can only result in parting.

Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas

Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas

Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas met on the set of the movie “Deep Water”, where they played a married couple. On-screen feelings passed into real life, and a whirlwind romance began between the actors. The twice Oscar winner is sixteen years older than the new Bond girl, and this is the first thing that can interfere with the development of their relationship. The second “but” is hidden in their horoscopes. As representatives of the signs Taurus and Leo, Ben and Ana will surely quarrel out of jealousy. We hope that the actors will worthily get out of any conflicts and carry love through the years!


Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are another Hollywood couple who prove by their own example that stars can be wrong. The actors are completely incompatible in the horoscope. Nicole is Gemini and Keith is Scorpio. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac are too stubborn and quick-tempered, and therefore every quarrel can be the last for them. Apparently, over fourteen years of official marriage, the actress and singer learned how to painlessly sort things out and cope with any crises. In 2008, Nicole gave birth to her husband’s daughter Sunday, and two years later, with the help of a surrogate mother, baby Faith was born.

Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
Prince Harry with Meghan Markle and 5 more strong Celebrity couples incompatible by horoscope
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Photo credit: Global Look Press, Getty Images. Featured image credit:

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