Quiz: What Scares You The Most In Life?

Quiz: What Scares You The Most In Life?

ben August 5, 2019 0

We are all individual in nature. Each of us has our own interests, preferences and fears. Each of us is afraid of something specific in life. No, we are not talking about trifles that can frighten us, but rather about deeper experiences deep in our subconscious that prevent us from living, making decisions and hindering our actions. With the help of psychological tests, we can identify our fears in advance and try to understand them. After all, you need to know the enemy by sight!

Look at the picture and tell, what danger to which these 4 boys are subject scares you most?

Quiz: What Scares You The Most In Life?
a photo: inshapetoday.com

Which of them would you say “Stop”? Make your choice intuitively and find out about yourself what you didn’t even guess.

Boy a

Quiz: What Scares You The Most In Life?
a photo: inshapetoday.com

This character risks falling into the open hatch. And what awaits him below? Past or maybe the future? You are afraid of your past, sad experience, mistakes made, which you do not want to repeat anymore.

The future also scares you no less. You are afraid to make decisions yourself, constantly looking for help and approval from those around you. And all this because of the lack of confidence in themselves, in their abilities. But do not be afraid. We are all human beings, and it is all our fault Mistakes are also an experience, albeit a bitter one. But they teach us to be smarter. Be more confident!

Boy B

Quiz: What Scares You The Most In Life?
a photo: inshapetoday.com

This character is about to step on a rake and get them on the forehead. If you warn him about danger, it may indicate that there is a fear of trust in your loved ones. And all because once you have experienced betrayal on their part and are now afraid of getting burned a second time. Now you are cautious, accustomed to act rationally. Fear of another deception and betrayal prevents you from developing, starting a new project, starting a business. But first, listen to what your heart tells you, trust your intuition, it will not let you down, and be guided by your feelings. Be sure there is someone you can rely on.

Boy C

Quiz: What Scares You The Most In Life?

This character goes straight to the tree, but his face is turned in the opposite direction. This may indicate that most of all you are afraid and worried about the safety of people close to you, rather than your own. Sometimes your fears go beyond the boundaries, becoming irrational and even a bit stupid. Most of all you are afraid of getting sick and dying. But what’s the point of being afraid of what you can’t predict, and sometimes even prevent. Stop thinking about it. Otherwise, this fear will grow into a mental disorder. Live here and now, love life and enjoy it.

Boy d

Quiz: What Scares You The Most In Life?
a photo: inshapetoday.com

This character runs the risk of being hit by a car. If you call him, it means that you are a very anxious person who is afraid of some life circumstances that could save his life. You used to put it off for later. Why not do the assigned business right away? After all, then all things will come down on you, like a snowball. You used to try on the role of a gray mouse, sit in a corner so that no one could see, hear or touch. But it’s time to change your life and start acting. Otherwise, the whole life will pass, and you will not notice it. Reinforce yourself, dare to take a decisive step, act. It’s time to be happy.

Do you agree with this interpretation of your choice?

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