Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

ben March 8, 2019 0

Today we will share with you the recipes of the most delicious fillings for pancakes for every taste! They are prepared very simply and quickly, and the taste will delight everyone. Sweet and salty, lean and meat. In general, everyone will be satisfied. Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Pancakes Fillings

Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Recently, we shared with you recipes of delicious pancakes for every taste, you will find 3 successful recipes of pancakes and today we have prepared for you also delicious fillings for them!

Delicious Pancakes: 3 Pancakes Recipes For Every Taste!

Read to the end, the incredible ones are waiting for you recipes that you have not tried. Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Sweet fillings

Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Apple-orange filling: You will need 2 oranges, 4 large apples, 50 g of butter, half a cup of sugar. Apple cut into slices and throw in a hot frying pan, pour all the sugar on top. Stir until the apples are soft, cover with a lid. While the apples are stewed, we cut the orange, and immediately send it to the apples. Simmer it all together for about 7 minutes, and when it cools, add vanilla.

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Chocolate fruit berry  filling: You will need 200 g of chocolate, a glass of milk, 30-40 g of butter and a glass of your favourite dried fruit or berries. Melt chocolate in hot milk, and now add butter and berries. Stir for 5 minutes, after cooling and smear pancakes.

Banana and creamy filling: we need 3 ripe bananas, 50 g butter, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Turn the banana into a puree, and send the fruit mass to the heated pan, do not forget to add butter! Add sugar, and stir all the time (5-6 minutes maximum). Banana puree will thicken and become golden in colour. At the end add vanilla to taste.

Salty toppings

Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Fish canned + eggs: Any canned fish to your taste, boiled eggs 2-3 pieces, fresh herbs (onion, dill), sour cream or mayonnaise. Cut eggs into small pieces or three grated, chop the greens, mash canned fork. All seasoned with sauce and mix. Everything – super fast filling is ready! Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Crab Sticks + Corn: make the stuffing on the same principle as a salad of crab sticks, but do not add rice. Great stuffing ready. Do not forget to add greens!

Chicken + Cheese: chicken fillet 250 g, hard cheese 150 g, 1 onion, clove of garlic, 50 g sour cream. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, then fry or boil, add the finely chopped onion and garlic, salt. Stew all together for about 5 minutes, and then add sour cream and simmer another couple of minutes. Grate cheese and add at the very end. The filling is ready!

Lenten vegetarian fillings

Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Paneer + Spinach: You will need 300 g of any soft cheese (or homemade paneer), 500 g of spinach ice cream, black mustard seeds (for a special flavor and taste), sunflower oil. First, fry the mustard in butter, add the spinach and wait until all the moisture is gone. At the very end, add grated cheese and immediately remove from heat. Get the effect of melted cheese! Yummy!

Green lentils + onions (reminds minced meat to taste): You will need 1.5 cups of lentils, 1 onion, sunflower oil, if there is, add cumin (the spice is similar to cumin, but more noble, divine flavour). Put the lentils to boil (about 25 minutes), it should warm up well.

  • Next, fry in oil grains of spirits, finely chopped onions, and garlic. When the lentils are ready – turn them into a mash with a blender or in the usual way, and add the finished flavoured mixture! Try, you will not regret. Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Potatoes + cheese: The peculiarity of this filling is that we cook potatoes in a uniform, and after three grated. It gives a special flavour to the dish. So, you need 3-4 potatoes, 200 g of hard cheese, 100 g of your favourite greens. As you already understood, boil potatoes in their skins, and after three on a medium grater with cheese. Add chopped greens and mix everything.

  • This filling is ideal for baking pancakes, because the cheese will melt and become even more delicious!
Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

Enjoy your meal! Share recipes with friends. Tasty Sweet and Salty FILLINGS For Pancakes: 9 Quick Recipes!

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