Useful tips for people who cannot fall asleep due to partner snoring

Useful tips for people who cannot fall asleep due to partner snoring

ben April 4, 2020 0

Jokes are jokes, and because of snoring people get divorced. It is clear that this is far from the only reason. But often it is precisely because one of the partners doesn’t get enough sleep that other problems begin, which leads to a break in relations.

A full rest is vital for every person. Lack of sleep leads to a huge number of problems: there is nervousness and irritability, digestive problems and headaches. For this reason, snoring of one of the partners can lead to very real problems in the relationship. Furilia decided to figure out what to do in this case.

Useful tips for people who cannot fall asleep due to partner snoring
Useful Tips For People Who Cannot Fall Asleep Due To Partner Snoring

Why do people snore in their sleep?

Most often, the cause should be sought from an otolaryngologist. Most likely, snoring is associated with specific diseases. Sometimes in a completely healthy person, it may appear due to excess weight. A broken nose is another reason a person can start snoring in a dream.

According to the Spanish Society of Otolaryngology, the main causes of snoring include:

Age changes in the structure of the nasopharynx (over the years, the muscles become weaker, resulting in obstacles to the passage of air).
Allergies, colds, or respiratory illness (This is a seasonal phenomenon, therefore, the reason for its occurrence should be excluded).
Fractures, polyps and other abnormalities nasal septum structures that interfere with normal air circulation.
Alcohol consumption and some medications.

Until you find a reason, getting rid of snoring is useless. You will continue to suffer from insomnia and chronic lack of sleep. Therefore, in the first place, a possible cause of a breathing problem should be excluded, and only then get rid of snoring.

Useful tips for people who cannot fall asleep due to partner snoring
Useful Tips For People Who Cannot Fall Asleep Due To Partner Snoring

What can be done?

While you go to the doctors and try to find out the possible reason, snoring at night still does not allow you to sleep normally. The situation can be corrected in several ways. Still, a full sleep is the key to high productivity and good mood. Therefore, you should know how to provide the necessary conditions for this:

Ear plugs. It is an acceptable and cheap option that will allow you to sleep well. The partner can still snore in his sleep, shaking the whole house with loud noises, and ordinary earplugs will provide protection from noise.
Another pose. Most often, a person snores lying on his back. Talk to your partner and ask him to sleep on his side. Getting used to another position is easy – just change the pillow to a higher one and change the position of the body.
Medical preparations. We will not recommend them, only a doctor can prescribe an effective drug, to whom you just need to seek advice.
Exercises. If snoring has appeared with age, then you should try breathing exercises. Take an interest in what exercises opera singers develop vocal cords: perhaps they will help strengthen muscles, resulting in snoring disappearing.
Diet. It is believed that excessive consumption of dairy products, smoking and alcohol over time lead to the fact that a person begins to snore in a dream. Try, at least temporarily, to lead a healthy lifestyle, and then you will definitely understand how bad habits kill your health.


Useful tips for people who cannot fall asleep due to partner snoring
Useful Tips For People Who Cannot Fall Asleep Due To Partner Snoring

In the end, you can go to sleep in another room if you need to have a good rest. If this is not possible, try sleeping with headphones. Turn on relaxing compositions (rain or surf, for example) that distract you from your partner’s annoying snoring.

In any case, look for a solution to the problem. Since chronic lack of sleep is fraught with even greater problems not only for relationships, but also for health. And if you are constantly struggling with insomnia, try simple tips that can improve the quality of sleep.

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