2021 love horoscope for all zodiac signs

2021 love horoscope for all zodiac signs

ben February 5, 2021 0

Aries zodiac sign love horoscope
(March 21 – April 20)

The 2021 love horoscope advises Aries not to carry love dramas, toxic relationships and worn out images with them in the year of the Ox. Leave all negativity in the old year, including negative people. By making the new year a blank page in your life, you will have a chance to meet new people and have a completely new experience of relationships for you. Couples are also encouraged to discuss all negative situations and leave them in the old year. This will strengthen your relationship with your partner and help you better understand each other.

Taurus zodiac sign love horoscope
(April 21 – May 21)

The 2021 love horoscope promises pleasant surprises for Taurus: at the beginning of the year you have a chance to meet your soul mate. For family Taurus, the year will not seem boring and insipid: they will have new romantic adventures and a test of feelings. Attention to each other and the ability to avoid sharp corners will help to cope with barriers to happiness.

Gemini zodiac sign love horoscope
(May 22 – June 21)

The love horoscope advises Gemini to learn to take control of their emotions and not take the opinions of others about your personal life to heart. In the first part of the Year of the Ox, pay more attention to yourself, your inner world, and from the second half of the summer, give yourself completely to your personal life. It is at this time that lonely Gemini will have a chance to meet the love of their life. For those with a couple, life is a romantic adventure that will strengthen your relationship.

Cancer zodiac sign love horoscope
(June 22 – July 22)

The love horoscope for 2021 calls on Cancers to think soberly and consider potential partners from the height of a cold mind. By giving in to your heart, you can get into toxic relationships or become attached to the wrong people. The secret of happiness for both single and family Cancers is inner harmony, deliberate actions and the absence of haste. The most favorable time for amorous affairs will be the spring-summer period: it is better for couples to spend more time together, and lonely Cancers – to look for new acquaintances.

Love horoscope for zodiac sign Leo
(July 23 – August 21)

Love horoscope for Leo advises to work on your selfishness and excessive pride. It is these traits that prevent you from building harmonious, healthy relationships and gaining favor with the opposite sex. For married couples, this advice also applies: if you want to avoid conflicts and divorce, stop pulling the blanket over yourself and learn to listen to your partner. Consent in personal life will come only after working out your shortcomings.

Virgo zodiac sign love horoscope
(August 22 – September 23)

The Ox year love horoscope advises single Virgo to gain more self-confidence and be open to new acquaintances: take more initiative with people you like, as well as accept dating invitations and spend more time with people of the opposite sex. Don’t get too carried away, though: stay prudent when it comes to serious relationship development, such as getting married or trying to live together.

Libra zodiac sign love horoscope
(September 24 – October 23)

The love horoscope advises Libra to be patient, since conflicts and minor quarrels can await them in personal relationships. In order to avoid them as much as possible, show care and attention to your significant other, and also plan a vacation only for two in order to let go of all the negativity and get to know each other better (believe me, this is necessary even for long-married people). Lonely Libra is not advised to go back to old relationships, even if the ex-partner insists on it. Remember that you cannot enter the same river twice.


Scorpio zodiac sign love horoscope
(October 24 – November 22)

For Scorpios, a love horoscope portends romantic adventures throughout the year. For this zodiac sign, 2021 will be favorable for the start of a serious relationship, and the end of the year for marriage, or at least the transition to a more serious stage of relationship with a permanent partner. In order to keep the relationship warm and harmonious, married couples should develop mutual relations and together set new achievable goals. For example, plan a trip together or think of a new hobby.

Love horoscope for zodiac sign Sagittarius
(November 23 – December 22)

Lonely Sagittarius 2021 will present a fateful meeting, for which you need to seriously prepare. Try to complete all the self-improvement points at the beginning of the year and become the best version of yourself. This also applies to married couples: working each on himself, you work to improve your relationship. The main thing is to agree on plans and move in one direction.


Love horoscope for Capricorn zodiac sign
(December 23 – January 20)

The love horoscope advises Capricorns to acquire the ability to keep balance in all spheres of life: not to rush to work, forgetting about loved ones, but also not to give 100 percent to just relationships. Harmony and peace of mind will help Capricorns achieve success on all fronts, including on love.

Love horoscope for zodiac sign Aquarius
(January 21 – February 19)

Aquarius will have a busy year in accordance with the love horoscope, as they will meet many new people on their way. However, astrologers recommend family people not to lose their heads, not to succumb to fleeting passions, and to lonely people – to look closely at a partner at a distance, and having already convinced of its adequacy, give vent to feelings.

Pisces zodiac sign love horoscope
(February 20 – March 20)

For Pisces who are in troubled relationships, the 2021 love horoscope recommends not tormenting yourself with doubts about your partner. Write down for yourself all the pros and cons of the existing relationship and decide whether to continue or leave it in the old year. Astrologers advise lonely Pisces to cast aside doubts about their appearance and type of activity. This provokes self-doubt.

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