Food and Sex: what food you need to eat to regain your libido. What foods should be included in your daily diet?

Food is our physiological need, sex is an equally important need of our physiology. But it happens that sexual desire decreases or disappears altogether. The reasons can be a huge number: from lack of sleep to mental disorders. And there are no fewer methods of treating this problem: starting with self-medication and ending with folk remedies. But the obvious solution may be right in front of our nose: it’s time pay attention to what we feed our body.
Scientists have long proven that the chemical composition of certain foods directly affects libido. So, aphrodisiacs are products that contribute increase libido. Hormones can affect the increase or, conversely, a decrease in libido. Bad ecology, stress, daily fatigue – all this can cause a sharp decrease in healthy sexual attraction to your partner. And a very important point: our food is also strongly affected by the amount of food we ate. What kind of sexual attraction can we talk about if one of the partners greatly overdid it at dinner?

So what does the list of those “rescue” foods look like? It is already in front of you: fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A (all red-yellow fruits, carrots), dried fruits (prunes and dried apricots), dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa, leafy salads, nuts, seafood, quail eggs, pumpkin seeds, celery , sweet potato. For men and women, the products listed will be different. Thatto, quail eggs are especially useful for men, because they have a beneficial effect on potency. Dark chocolate has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitals, and red and black caviar contribute to the production of sperm. Women should add seaweed, seaweed and oysters to their diet – these are some of the strongest aphrodisiacs. And such seasonings like curry and paprika do a great job of boosting endorphins in the body.
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This is not the whole list, but it lists the main components. And what is contraindicated for libido? First of all, alcohol – he is the number one enemy for sex. Caffeine, sugar and salt are also desirable to minimize. If you have no problems with libido and you decide of pure curiosity to read this article, you can still include some of named foods in your diet for prevention. About whether ration on our behavior in bed, then opinions were divided.

Some argue that this is interconnected, because if we compare sex and eating, we enjoy both processes. Based on this, it follows that Yes, there is a similarity in this. And others, on the contrary, are sure that a person eats food according to his nature, and this has nothing to do with sexual behavior.
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