How to Enjoy Life in Office!

How to Enjoy Life in Office!

ben January 31, 2019 0

Between endless marketing, non-stop social media notifications, work messages and hellos from friends and family, we get a lot of emails. Trying to sift through and organize all those daily emails can drive you up the wall, which is why Merlin Mann originally developed the concept of “Inbox Zero”—the elusive satisfaction of digital organization at its finest.

The goal of Inbox Zero is the keep your email inbox empty, or very close to empty, at all times. While this is nice to look at, it may not be the best for your happiness and productivity. It means you need to continually respond to many emails, lest they get lost in the ‘read’ pile, and that takes tremendous time, energy and patience.

In reality, no one wants to spend multiple hours a day responding to and sifting through emails. It’s stressful, exhausting, and incredibly time-consuming.

Besides being a time suck, the main issue with responding to emails quickly is that you gain a reputation of being ultra-responsive. Over time, the people that correspond with you will grow to expect that. That means more and more urgent emails will build up in your inbox, all crying out for your immediate attention! Do you really want to be that person who is always on call, no matter what you’re doing?

That’s why keeping your inbox disorganized and not rushing to answer every query as soon as it comes in may be a better way of living, if you’re looking to be more productive, more creative, and happier.

By not rushing to answer emails and letting your inbox exist in its natural cluttered state, you are better able to stay in the moment, accomplish good work and enjoy your life. To help you achieve inbox chaos, here are three rules to follow to maintain a beneficially aloof email presence (without losing your job).

By: Jordyn Cormier

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