Film Stars Who Changed Their Appearance For a Movie Role!

Film Stars Who Changed Their Appearance For a Movie Role!

ben April 4, 2019 0

Any work requires from people a serious attitude to it, good faith, the availability of the necessary skills and abilities, as well as the desire to develop. For example, actors and actresses have to spend a lot of time preparing to films shoot. Someone for the role needs to lose weight or get fat, someone – to get pumped up, and someone – and completely lose hair on his head.

Yes, you understood us correctly! Today we continue to write about the stars, who had to change their appearance for a new role. Who this time become the object of our attention?

Hugh Jackman

This talented and beloved by women actor has repeatedly changed something in his appearance to perform various roles. For example, for the film “Outcast”, Hugh Jackman needed to lose 15 kilograms. But for the film “Wolverine: Immortal” – a good pump.

Film Stars Who Changed Their Appearance For a Movie Role!

Anne Hathaway

In life, a very thin American actress had to take off another 11 kilograms for the role in the film “Les Miserables”. This is quite a bust! But what can’t you do for art, right?

Jake Gyllenhaal

And this famous actor had to change something in his appearance during his career. So, for the filming of the movie “Stringer” Jake Gyllenhaal threw 10 pounds. And later for “Lefty” he rather successfully pumped up.

Colin Farrell

If you watched a movie called “Lobster”, then remember the main character there. He was played by a famous actor – Colin Farrell, who had to gain more than 20 kilograms of excess weight for the role. See further two different people at the foto!

James McAvoy

This Scottish actor boasts good shape. That’s just for the filming of the film “Glass” he needed to pump up even more! Yes, these are the requirements for the role …

Film Stars Who Changed Their Appearance For a Movie Role!

Jonah Hill

Famous American actor, who almost always was in the body. However, for the role in the TV series “Maniac” he needed to lose a lot of weight. And you know what? John Hill could!

Film Stars Who Changed Their Appearance For a Movie Role!

Chris Hemsworth

The Australian actor and a real handsome man first lost 15 kilograms to play “In the Heart of the Sea”. But later he pumped up for a new project – “Thor: Ragnarok”. Don’t you think that three different people are depicted here?

Film Stars Who Changed Their Appearance For a Movie Role!

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