Don’t Miss The Perfect Pancake Dough Recipe! The Secret Ingredient To Perfect Thin Pancakes!
So, what is the secret of perfect pancakes? It’s all about proportions! They should also strive for the ideal. To do this, you do not need to measure the amount of ingredients accurate to milligrams. Just take two large eggs …
Perfect Pancake Dough Recipe
This dough always helps out when you need to quickly cook thin pancakes – no need to bother with dimensional cups and weights. Tested by the editors!
Ingredients for Sweet Pancakes:
- 2 large eggs (preferably room temperature);
- 1 cup flour;
- 2 cups of milk;
- a pinch of salt and vanillin;
- 2 tablespoons melted butter;
- 4-5 tablespoons of sugar.
Salted Pancake Ingredients:
- 2 large eggs (preferably room temperature);
- 1 cup flour;
- 2 cups of milk;
- ½ teaspoon of salt;
- ¼ teaspoon of paprika, turmeric, curry and any other seasoning as desired;
- 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil;
- 1-2 tablespoons of sugar.
Ingredients for Lace Pancakes:
- 2 large eggs (preferably room temperature);
- 1 cup flour;
- 2 cups whey;
- a pinch of salt and vanillin;
- 2 tablespoons melted butter;
- 4-5 tablespoons of sugar.
Cooking. Break two eggs into the blender bowl, add a pinch of salt to them and beat for two to three minutes. Then add a glass of milk or whey, butter, sugar, vanillin and flour. Beat until uniformly again for about the same amount of time, and add the remaining milk. The dough should turn out to be homogeneous (without lumps) and by consistency resemble either very liquid sour cream or cream with a fat content of 33%.
Since the flour is different depending on the manufacturer, and the size of the eggs, too, sometimes you need to add either additional flour, if the dough turned out too liquid, or some more milk. After each such addition, the dough must be beaten again so that the mass remains homogeneous.

The secret ingredient to perfect thin pancakes – high-quality frying pan. It is easy to cook in the right pan: the dough does not stick, does not stick, bakes evenly, and the pancakes on the whey turn out like a lace of a web.
You need to heat it, then reduce the fire, grease it with vegetable oil if you are preparing a salty version of pancakes, or creamy if it is something with a sweet filling. And only after that pour the dough and quickly, but carefully distribute it over the entire surface of the pan. Then you need to be patient and wait until the pancake is browned, and only then turn it over.
This can take one or a half minutes (depending on the thickness of the pancake and the temperature of the fire). Usually the surface of the pancake, which can already be turned over, becomes dense and tiny holes appear on it. If you see that on the surface of the pancake the dough is still liquid, do not turn it over. It is better to reduce the fire even more and wait a bit.
By the way, they completely forgot to say that you can use a special silicone brush to lubricate the pan with oil. If you cook salted pancakes, to add spice to the taste, you can cut a small potato or onion, chop it on a fork and grease them, dipping in oil. Then the potatoes or onions will gradually be fried, giving the pancakes a subtle flavor.
If you decide to try more diet option, then you need to change the proportions, as rice, coconut, oatmeal and especially buckwheat flour behaves a little differently.
Pancake Fillings Recipes
As a basis, you can take the above universal recipe for pancake dough, and choose a sweet or salty option depending on the filling.
Apple and Ricotta
- 3 tablespoons of butter;
- 4 delicious apples (medium, peeled and thinly sliced);
- 5 tablespoons of sugar;
- ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
- ⅛ teaspoon ground nutmeg;
- ½ cup ricotta cheese or cottage cheese.
Cooking. Melt the butter in a pan, put apples there, add three tablespoons of sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, and simmer for about five minutes. Then put on a plate and let cool.
Mix the remaining two tablespoons of sugar with ricotta or cottage cheese, and add apples stewed in butter. Gently mix and wrap in pancakes. You can put the resulting claddings in a ceramic mold, oiled, pour sour cream with sugar on top and send to simmer in the oven at a temperature of 150-160 degrees ten minutes.
Pancakes with fried eggs

- 6 teaspoons of Dijon mustard;
- 1 ½ cup grated Parmesan (or any other hard cheese of your choice);
- 6 medium eggs;
- salt and pepper to taste.
Cooking. We take salted dough for pancakes as the basis and add chopped green onions and fresh dill, parsley or basil to it – choose according to your taste.
When the pancakes are ready, preheat the oven to 205 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and put pancakes on it. Grease each pancake with mustard and sprinkle with grated cheese, spread a raw egg on top, cover it a little on all sides, bending the edges, salt, pepper and send to the oven.
Bake until whites hard not grapple. This may take 10-11 minutes. When served on top, you can sprinkle with an additional portion of fresh herbs, onions and cheese.
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Tiramisu: Mascarpone + Cocoa
- 240 g of mascarpone cheese;
- ¼ cup powdered sugar;
- a pinch of vanillin;
- whipped cream and cocoa powder for decoration.
Cooking. Mix mascarpone with powdered sugar and vanilla. If desired, you can add a little instant coffee there, so that the filling is as close as possible to the taste of this airy dessert.
Wrap sweetened cheese in sweet pancakes, garnish with whipped cream and cocoa on top.
If you want diversity, in mascarpone you can add a little lemon zest and a drop of lemon syrup (mix lemon juice with sugar and bring to a boil). Or mix mascarpone with condensed milk to the desired sweetness, and then add some berries there, and then the pancakes will resemble to taste dacoise.
Additional options for filling for pancakes:
- cottage cheese, herbs and garlic;
- cottage cheese, spinach and garlic;
- jam and nut paste;
- berries with cottage cheese;
- cream cheese and red caviar or red salted fish;
- fried mushrooms with onions;
- pan-frying oranges with sugar plus a scoop of ice cream;
- fried chicken with mushrooms in a creamy sauce;
- guacamole with cream cheese;
- custard and sautéed berries in a pan.
The beauty of pancake toppings is that you can endlessly combine familiar ingredients! The main thing in this difficult matter is the correct dough, and what you will then wrap in this perfect pancake is sure to be found.
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