Healthy selfishness: why it is so important to love yourself. Why are many of us afraid to admit that self-love is absolutely normal? In order to understand what the problem is, it is first necessary to separate the concepts of “egoism” and “self-love”. Translated from the Latin ego means – in the center of human life there is only its own “I”. The egoist prefers his interests to others, in any given situation he seeks profit for himself. And self-love is, first of all, acceptance of oneself. Absolute acceptance of not only its merits, but also its shortcomings. A person who truly loves himself is open to this world and is always ready to help other people.

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How to find a fine line between self-love (we will call it healthy egoism) and real egoism? And is it possible to learn to distinguish between these feelings? The path from selfishness to self-love requires a lot of patience and titanic efforts, but the result is definitely worth the energy spent. Egoism is one of the stages in the spiritual development of man. Only after passing it, he can find himself, to feel true freedom. All of us have been or have remained egoists ever since our birth. After all, when a child is small, then everything in this world is for him. All attention and care is for him alone. He feels himself the most important person in the world. And this is normal until the child grows older. Parents play a key role here: their main task is to teach him to give, not just receive. It is such an exchange that will be correct, and such a child will have a healthy idea of human relations.

If this does not happen, or the child lacked parental love in childhood, then in the future it will be difficult for it to understand how you can love yourself, and even just like that, for no reason. Love for oneself and for people is closely related. If a person sincerely loves, or rather, accepts himself in all his manifestations, he easily gives his love to all those around him. For him, it is as obvious as the fact that an apple is healthier than a chocolate bar.
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So, egoism is bad, and healthy egoism, that is, taking care of yourself is good. This is literally. But what if a person wants to love himself, but cannot?
The solution may turn out to be simple:
- to develop yourself, become interesting for yourself.
- Do not blame yourself for mistakes, but perceive everything as a valuable experience.
- Do not focus on your weaknesses, but find strengths and work on them.
- Remaining honest with ourselves and falling in love with our every emotion and our loud laugh.
Let’s be honest: a person who truly loves himself is hard to miss. He charges all his infinite energies and, being next to such a person, you want to learn the same way, isn’t it?
From this we conclude that healthy egoism is a positive phenomenon and should be present in every person. It is in him that the very balance that we talked about lies. The most important thing is not to cross the line and remember that you are surrounded by other people with their opinions, needs and feelings.
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